"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."

A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

"Come to the Quiet" Retreat Schedule for 2011

The Portiuncula Hermitage and Retreat Center
Jerusalem, Ohio

"Come to the Quiet" Retreats

May 20-22
Men's Retreat (Fully Booked)
June 24-26
Women's Retreat (Nearly Booked)
July 15-17
CRHP or Cursillo (Group)
August 19-21
Men's Retreat
September 23-25
Lay Franciscan's of Richmond, Indiana

There appears to be a growing interest in the monastic life among people of all lifestyles - and no wonder! For centuries, the monastic life has provided monks and nuns with disciplines and practices aimed at helping them maintain balanced, healthy and centered lifestyles while they "prefer nothing to Christ." But these practices are not only for monks! Join us as we explore practices such as silence, prayer, simplicity, solitude and celebration, and the benefits they have for all our lives.

Fee $110.00 per person ($40.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit due upon registration), which includes meals, lodging and transportation and healthy snacks and drinks throughout the weekend (this fee does not include meals while travelling to and from the Portiuncula).

The Church Van will leave St. Andrew's parking lot at 12:00 O'Clock Friday afternoon and return immediately following Sunday Mass at St. Sylvester's Catholic Church in Woodsfield, Ohio, arriving back at St. Andrew's in Richmond around 4:00 O'Clock in the afternoon.

A "Come to the Quiet" Retreat is a SILENT RETREAT which means no cell phones, beepers, computers, radios or television, and there will be no talking except when gathered together for prayer. Joining together with God and being able to listen to Him as He speaks to us in the silence of our hearts is the focus of this retreat.

What should I bring?

1.  Medications you may require
2.  Shaving Kit
3.  Extra change of clothes (Dress for Comfort - CASUAL)
4.  Change of clothes for Sunday Mass
     (Business Casual - Brown and Tan colors preferred)
5.  Extra pairs of dry sox and undergarments
6.  Towel and Washcloth
7.  Sweater in case it gets chilly
8.  Pillow

Please make checks payable to:

The Portiuncula Hermitage
% 508 South 16th Street
Richmond, IN 47374

Occupancy is extremely limited so please call for your registration in as quickly as possible!

Cell: 765.220.1623


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