"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."

A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Virtue Of Silence


"My child, there are times when you ought to keep to yourself and avoid conversation. There is no profit in unkind talk, rash talk, of indecent talk. What is the good of wasting time with idle disputes or with boasting."

My Daily Bread

by: The Confraternity of the Precious Blood



Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Prayers Please


We would like to begin building our little Portiuncula Chapel in the Spring of 2023. We need to find a stone mason near Ozark, Ohio (Monroe County, Ohio) in order to accomplish our goal. Please join us in prayer to locate the craftsman or craftsmen required to accomplish our dream.

Thank you and may God continue to bless each and every one of you!

Pace e' Bene!
(Peace and All Good!)

The Portiuncula Franciscan Hermitage and Retreat Center
Immaculate Conception Cemetery
Ozark, Ohio


Traditional Latin Mass



Monday, January 16, 2023

The Anti-Christ Will Sit On The Throne Of Peter



You Cannot Have Resurrection Without First Going Through Crucifixion

Fully experience that our love cannot more perfectly rest in anything than in a loving compassion for Christ; and that the more we are transformed into Christ crucified, the more we are transformed into the most high and glorious God...For if we fly from his passion, we shall be sepaqrated from him in his glory, according to the words of the apostle Saint Paul: "If we suffer with him, we shall also be glorified with him."

Admonitions of St. Francis of Assisi


Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Novus Ordo Seclorum


[We are] not bound to obey if a minister commands anything that is contrary to our life or his own conscience, because there can be no obligation to obey if it means committing sin.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Chapter 4


True Obedience Means We Must Die To Self


St. Francis was asked on one occasion who was a truly obedient person and he gave the example of a dead body. "Take a corpse," he said, "and put it wherever you like. You will see that it does not object to being transferred, does not complain about where it is put, and does not protest when it is cast aside. If you set it on a throne it will look down, not up; if you dress it in royal robes, it will only seem paler than ever. "

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life
Chapter VI


Taste And See How Sweet The Lord Is


To him who tastes God, all the sweetness of the world will be but bitterness. Taste, therefore, and see how sweet the Lord is, and thou wilt never weary of enjoying him. It is quite otherwise with the love of the world, for bitterness is always hidden in it; the love of worldly things produces many fruits of sorrow; thus, if thou lovest wife, children, possessions, houses, or honors, when these die or perish they procure for thee as much sorrow as thou hast had affection and love for them.

St. Francis of Assisi


"I Don't Go To Church Because I Don't Get Anything Out Of It."



Friday, January 13, 2023

Is The Devil Living In Your House?


"Where the fear of the Lord guards the house, the enemy can find no entrance."

St. Francis of Assisi


Slaves To The World


Mmmmmmm gobble gobble gobble

"But all those who do not the works of penance, who will not receive the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, but who do the works of sin and death; who follow their own concupiscence and wicked desires; who will not keep what they have promised; who are slaves to the world and to their bodies and are engrossed by the desires, cares, and anxieties of this life-all these are deceived by the devil, whose children they are, for they do his works. They are blind, for they cannot see the true light, Jesus Christ our Lord. They have not the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, because the Son of God is not in them, and he is the wisdom of the Father...You think to possess the vain joys of this world for a long time, but you are deceived, for the day and the hour are coming of which you will not think and of which you do not know."

St. Francis
Letter to the Faithful


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Proper Dress Code For Attending Mass


If you were going to visit with the King and Queen of England, how much would you prepare ahead of time? How would you dress to go before them? Most likely, the men would rent a tux and the women would run out and buy a new dress just for the occasion.  Then why do we see men attending Mass in Bermuda Shorts and women in strapless summer dresses when we are visiting the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord's? 

Fra Chris


Eucharistic Miracle After Pro-Life Procession



Wednesday, January 11, 2023

A Tree Is Known By Its Fruits


"A man has as much knowledge as he shows by his works, and no more; and a religious is a good preacher only inasmuch as he acts upon his preaching, for a tree is known by its fruits."

St. Francis of Assisi


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Dogs Always Return To Their Own Vomit


There are many religious who, under the pretext of seeing better things than those which their prelates command, look back (Luke 9:62) and return to the vomit of self-will (Proverb 26:11; 2 Peter 2:22). Such as these are murderers because by their bad example they cause many souls to be lost.

St. Francis of Assisi
Admonition 3


Sunday, January 08, 2023

Suffer To Be Ruled


"The horse is a noble and useful creature; for in his swiftest course he suffers himself to be ruled, and turned hither and thither, backwards and forwards, according to the will of the rider; so likewise should it be with the servant of God, who should suffer himself to be ruled, guided, turned and bent, according to the will of his superior; nay, of all others, for the love of Christ."

Little Flowers of St. Francis
Chapter V
Of Holy Patience


A Ladder That Leads To Heaven


The grace of God and the virtues which flow therefrom are a way and a ladder that leadeth to heaven; but vices and sins are a ladder and a way that leadeth to the depths of hell. Vices and sins are a venomous and a mortal poison, but virtues and good works are a salutory medicine. One grace leadeth to another; and one vice leadeth to another. Grace asketh not to be praised, and vice cannot endure to be despised. The mind reposeth tranquility in humility, of whom patience is daughter. Holy purity of heart seeth God, and true devotion enjoyeth him.

Little Flowers of St. Francis
Part Four
Chapter 1
Of Vices and Virtues


Saturday, January 07, 2023

His Most Holy Body And Blood, Living And True


Now as Jesus Christ appeared to his holy Apostles in true flesh, so now he shows himself to us in consecrated bread; and as with their physical sight they saw only his flesh, but contemplating him with the eyes of faith, believed that he was God, so too, now, though we see bread and wine with the eyes of our body, we should see and firmly believe that it is his Most Holy Body and Blood, living and true.

Saint Francis Of Assisi
Admonition 1


Let Humanity Kneel In Fear


Let humanity kneel in fear, let the whole universe tremble, and let heaven rejoice when Christ the Son of the Living God is on the altar in the hands of the priest.

St. Francis
Letter to the Whole Order


Only A Small Piece Of Bread


O wonderful ascent, O stupendous descent! O sublime humility! O humble sublimity, that the Lord of the Universe, God and Son of God, should so humbly hide himself, for our salvation, in what seems to be only a small piece of bread! Look, then, upon the humility of God! And pour out your hearts before him. Humble yourselves that he might exhalt you. Hold back nothing of yourselves, that he may receive your all who gave his all to you.

St. Francis
Letter to the Whole Order


Thursday, January 05, 2023

What Difference Does It Make What Church I Stay Home From On Sunday?


Paganism is rampant throughout the world today. Please pray for these poor, sad souls and Lord please forgive them for they know not what they do. They simply don't have a clue...


How St. Francis Venerated The Eucharist


With every fiber of his being, Francis burned with love for the Sacrament of the Body of the Lord. It left him overcome with wonder for so great a condescension and merciful love. He was said to be disconsolate if, even once, he could not hear daily Mass, even if it was impossible to do so. He received communion often and with such devotion as to make others experience a like devotion. He rendered every reverence to so venerable a sacrament, offering the sacrifice of his whole self; and when he received the Immolated Lamb of God, he immolated his own spirit in that fire which was always burning on the altar of his heart.

Second Life - 201


Wednesday, January 04, 2023

The Immaculate Conception Church In Ozark, Ohio


No photo description available.

1874 A.D. 

The Immaculate Conception Church (The Catholic Mission) in Ozark, Ohio

"The Catholic Mission at Ozark in Monroe County, Ohio was organized around 1874 so that the people would not have to travel to Miltonsburg to attend Mass and receive the sacraments. George J. Burkhard, Anthony Burkhard, Adam Arnold, John Huth, and Rev. Edward Fladung, who was, pastor of the parish of St. John the Baptist, Miltonsburg, are remembered as the founders. Mr. Huth offered a piece of land near the public school for the church, but wanted: $200 for it, whereas George Burkhard offered a small plot for free. The latter offer was accepted. John Adam Gertler, who owned the adjoining farm, donated an adjacent acre, the northern portion of the present site, on condition of being allowed to be buried there if he wished. The total site measures about 1.65 acres today. It is located can the west side of Monroe County Road 36, one mile south of the village of Ozark.

The two deeds by which the property was transferred to Bishop Rosecrans were signed on August 28, 1875. The church was dedicated on August 31, 1875. At that time, there were fourteen families and sixty-four souls in the mission.

About 1880 when Woodsfield first received resident pastors, Ozark became its mission. The priests came to Ozark on the narrow-guage Ohio River & Western Railroad, sometimes on a hand-car courtesy of the Catholic section boss. Rev. J. B. Weisinger in 1887 reported fifteen families there, for whom he offered Mass on any fifth Sunday of a month and on two holy days each year. Regarding the cemetery adjacent to the church, he said, "I suppose it is blessed."

Father Fladung also had a school built against the side of the church, where catechism classes were taught. Father John S. Cawley (pastor at Woodsfield from 1893 until 1902) has the school removed, remarking that they should not have "that corn shed" against the church.

In 1908 Ozark became once again a mission of Miltonsburg. The priests came on the second Saturday and fourth Sunday of each month. Rev. George F. Drescher, pastor from 1934 until 1945, began offering Mass every Sunday at Ozark, a practice which continued as late as 1976. In 1943 he wrote, "The priests have always liked the splendid people who live there, and these people have always been most faithful to their pastor." Just eleven families made up the entire congregation at that time.

The centennial observance of the mission was held on October 21, 1975, Most Rev. John King Mussio, Bishop of Steubenville, officiating at Pontifical Benediction. With the advent of good roads and automobile travel, it has become possible for the people to attend Mass every Sunday at Miltonsburg and the church at Ozark has been used but little in recent years.

The records of Immaculate Conception mission are kept at Miltonsburg by the pastor, Rev. Sam Saprano (Route 3, Woodsfield, Ohio 43793). The first burial was recorded in 1879, the first marriage in 1883, and the first baptism in 1905 (earlier baptisms were no doubt recorded in the register at Woodsfield St. Sylvester). The last record was a baptism performed on July 30, 1972, with later records made in the registers of Miltonsburg St. John the Baptist Parish. The church was torn down in 1989 by order of the Bishop of Steubenville. Bishop Daniel Conlon has given Christopher L. Dickson, Sr., (Great-Great Nephew of George C. Burkhard) permission to rebuild the little church on the condition that it be located on his family's property and not on Church property because of tax and liability considerations. It is to be called the Portiuncula (the "Little Portion") and will become the spiritual home of the Portiuncula Franciscan Hermitage and Retreat Center."


Much of the above information was originally from Gerorge Cosmos "Cose" Burkhard, son of George J. Burkhard, and Great-Great Uncle of Chris Dickson. George Burkhard was one of the founders of the mission, and was provided to the Society courtesy of Rev. Sam Saprano. Other sources were the Plat Book, Archives, Diocese of Columbus; the Steubenville Register, Jan. 15, 1976; and the 1943 history of the Diocese of Columbus.

Church of the Immaculate Conception: was built from timber growing nearby on the Burkhard farm by carpenters Swab (of Woodsfield) and Godfrey (of Miltonsburg).

Photo & Historical Account via Fra Chris Dickson, F.L.A.


OLD FRENCH Lourdes RELIC Rosary Crucifix (circa 1920)


Today I discovered this 1920's Antique Reliquary Crucifix from Lourdes that was from my Great-Great Aunt Mary Burkhard's (1888-1958) religious items. 


How Saint Dominic Wore The White Cord Of Saint Francis


The blessed Dominic (founder of the Dominican Order) once asked St. Francis to kindly give him the cord he wore about his waist. St. Francis was reluctant to do this, moved by the same humility to refuse as the other was moved to ask. Finally, however, the blessed devotion of the petitioner won out and Dominic very devoutly put the cord that was given him about himself beneath his inner tunic. (Saint Dominic wore it thus until his death in 1221)

Saint Francis of Assisi

Celano, Second Life

Chapter CX


Pope Benedict XVI Was "Heart-Broken" Over Francis Restricting Latin Mass



Tuesday, January 03, 2023

The Knights Of The Round Table


St. Francis said, "There are many brothers who day and night put all their energy and all their attention into the pursuit of knowledge, thereby abandoning prayer and their holy vocation. And when they have preached to a few men or to the people, and learn that certain ones were edified or converted to penance through their discourse, they are puffed up and pride themselves on the results and works of others. For, those whom they think they edified or converted to penance by their discourse were actually edified and converted by God through the prayers of the holy brothers who are completely ignorant of it; God wishes it this way for fear it should be grounds for pride for them. Behold my Knights of the Round Table: the brothers who hide in abandoned and secluded places to devote themselves with more fervor to prayer and meditation, to weep over their sins and those of others. Their holiness is known only to God, but most often unknown to the brothers and to men."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 71




The Pond at the Portiuncula Hermitage in Jerusalem, Ohio

Adoration is a way of life with us, and therefore we are never idle. St. Francis taught us how idle busyness is because it is never totally present to anything. Sometimes the brothers and sisters spend entire afternoons enrapt by the melody of a waterfall, and praises spontaneously rise from our innermost being and roll out our mouths. Because we are present to the water, we are present to God, and we are all called to be present to God who dwells in every creature.

A Franciscan Brother


Monday, January 02, 2023

As For Me, Color Me "Rigid!"



The Tertiary Monthly Pledge



All:  Realizing the importance of saving my immortal soul * and the great value of the Third Order Rule * to achieve this all important goal in life * I hereby resolve to observe this sanctifying Rule * not only in part * but as fully as human frailty will allow.

With God's grade, * I will assist at Holy Mass on weekdays, whenever possible * recite my Seraphic Office faithfully * never omit grace before and after meals * and examine my conscience each night.

I will receive the Sacraments at least once a month * attend the fraternity meetings regularly * and contribute according to my means for the charities of the Order.

I will always carefully observe the Commandments of God and the Church * wear my Scapular and Cord * avoid extravagance in dress and manner of living * avoid dangerous amusements * be temperate in food and drink * set a good example to my family and fellow-man * avoid dangerous reading * be at peace with all * avoid vulgar and improper speech * and practice charity towards all * with special solicitude toward sick and deceased members.

May Saint Francis * so wonderful in penance and love of Jesus Crucified * grant me the necessary spirit of prayer * penance * love and sacrifice * so that I may faithfully observe his rule until death. Amen.

Ritual for Public Functions
Mark Hegener, O.F.M.
Franciscan Herald Press, 1955


Mega Churches Provoke Criticism And Set A Bad Example


The Portiuncula Chapel at the 
Little Portion Friary Berryville, AR
Photo courtesy of John Michael Talbot

St. Francis taught that churches are to be small; we are not to build great churches in order to preach to the people, or for any other reason, for they show greater humility and a better example when they visit other churches to preach. Religious or secular, visit their houses, their humble little dwellings, cells, and tiny churches will speak for themselves, and these things will edify them more than any words.

Francis also said, 'Friars often raise large buildings, and violate our holy poverty, and by doing so provoke criticism and set a bad example. And sometimes, in order to obtain a better or holier place, or larger congregation, they abandon their own house out of covetousness and greed; or they will pull them down and build others that are large and pretentious. Consequently, those who have contributed to their cost, and others who see it, are greatly offended and distressed.'

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 10


No Long Winded Sermons


St. Francis was convinced that leading sinners to conversion was more acceptable to the merciful Father than any sacrifice, particularly if it was done in a spirit of perfect charity, more by example than by preaching, more by fervent prayer than by long-winded sermons.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life
Chapter VIII


Sunday, January 01, 2023

"Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth: For Thy love is better than wine."


"Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth: For Thy love is better than wine."

Song of Solomon 1:2





Either on Twelfth Night (5 January), the twelfth day of Christmastide and eve of the feast of Ephiphany, or Epiphany Day (6 January) itself, many Christians, including Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and Roman Catholics, among others, write on their doors with chalk in a pattern such as 20 + C + M + B + 23 with the numbers referring "to the calendar year (20 and 23, for instance, for this year, 2023); the crosses stand for Christ; and the letters have a two-fold significance: C, M, and B are the initials for the traditional names of the Magi (Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar), but they are also an abbreviation of the Latin blessing Christus mansionem benedicat, which means, May Christ bless this house. Another form for Three Kings Day is to mark the door with IIIK (the Roman numeral three followed by "K" for "Kings.") Chalking the door is done most commonly on Epiphany Day itself, although it can be done on any day of the Epiphany season. In some localities the chalk used to write the Epiphanytide pattern is blessed by a Christian priest or minister on Epiphany Day itself, then taken home to write the pattern.

The Christian custom of chalking the door has a biblical precedent as the Israelites in the Old Testament marked their doors in order to be saved from death; likewise, the Epiphanytide practice serves to protect Christian homes from evil spirits until the next Epiphany Day, at which time the custom is repeated. Families also perform this act to represent the hospitality of the Holy Family to the Magi (and all Gentiles); it thus serves as a house blessing to invite the presence of God into one's home. 

From the Catholic Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments:

The blessing of homes, on whose lintels are inscribed the Cross of salvation, together with the indication of the year and the initials of the three wise men (C+M+B), which can also be interpreted to mean Christus mansionem benedicat, written in blessed chalk; this custom, often accompanied by processions of children accompanied by their parents, expresses the blessing of Christ through the intercession of the three wise men and is an occasion for gathering offerings for charitable and missionary purposes.