far less concerned about winning souls to Christ than we are of pushing
Social Engineering, Tree Hugging, and New Age Rieke
"They then began to long miserably for the fleshpots of Egypt, which they had left behind; and what they had once despised with a generous heart, they now shamefully wanted. They were sad in walking in the way of the commandments of God, and they were arid of heart in following his injunctions...Gaiety filled their countenance; their gait was without modesty; their garments were soft and delicate, carefully cut, and even more carefully sewn...they had no care for spiritual exercises, no interest in the salvation of souls."
St. Francis of Assisi
Sacrum Commercium
Lady Poverty Continues to Speak
St. Francis of Assisi
Sacrum Commercium
Lady Poverty Continues to Speak
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