Rarely have your prayers been more urgently needed to save lives. The
South American nation of Uruguay faces a crucial turning point on
Sunday, November 29, 2009.
If the people vote for the Frente Amplio or Broad Front candidate for
president, he has promised to legalize abortion-on-demand in Uruguay and
will have the votes to do it. If the National Party candidate wins,
abortion will be blocked. Currently the opinion polls show almost 50% on
each side.
It is a thousand times easier to prevent legal abortion than it is to
reverse it once it has taken root. Spain recently had their second rally
for life with over 1 million people on the streets in Madrid and their
socialist government still insists on keeping abortion-on-demand.
Human Life International's Uruguayan affiliates are working day and
night to educate and mobilize their fellow citizens to defend innocent
human life. The picture above is from a march for life they organized on
Monday in the capital of Montevideo and other cities.
Please join with us in praying for a pro-life outcome to this election
by adding this important intention to your Mass and Rosary prayers for
the next few days. Even a single Hail Mary and Our Father will be
valuable contributions. We need an outpouring of grace on Uruguay as we
all collaborate prayerfully to stop the global advance of death that
threatens to overtake our entire world. This Thanksgiving holiday in the
USA and Sunday let us storm Heaven for life.
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