A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fr. Gregory Bramlage

The Lord has called me into the way of simplicity and humility, and he has indeed made this way known through me and through all who choose to believe and follow me...He told me I am to be a new kind of fool in this world.

Mirror of Perfection, 68

Most people in their sixties reflect back upon their youth and reminisce about our long-lost youth. Many of us who were in our twenties during the beginnings of the Charismatic Renewal are now in our late fifties and early sixties. We idly reflect upon those "good times" as though they are gone forever. Like so many others, I too had moved on with my life, opting to concentrate more on Contemplative Prayer and Franciscan Holiness than remaining involved in the Renewal. After all, we all have to pass the baton sooner or later.

As God would have it, it was once again time for me to be knocked off my horse (my high horse.)

I first met Fr. Gregory Bramlage in 1996. St. Mary Catholic Church in Richmond, Indiana was his first assignment upon ordination to the priesthood. After moving on to his next assignment, I would run into him every once in a while around Indiana and Ohio, but only long enough to say "hi" and "goodbye." Then about a year ago I was told about this young priest who has a healing ministry and was really shaking things up in southern Indiana. People were coming from Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois to be healed. The priest's name? Fr. Gregory Bramlage!

Then in early March I got an e-mail from Ralph Martin saying he was going to be a guest speaker at Fr. Bramlage's parish on August 11th, 2007 and that was the excuse I was looking for to attend one of these healing services.

What I experienced yesterday was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that I had never encountered before, even at national conferences. What impressed me most was the unassuming humility of both Fr. Gregory and Ralph Martin. Their accessability and kindness shown one-on-one with everyone there and the power of the Holy Spirit working in their daily lives reminded where St. Francis wrote, "Since spiritual joy springs from the heart's innocense and the purity of incessant prayer, these are the two virtues we need to acquire and keep."

My advice to everyone? Don't miss the March 2008 Conference featuring Bishop Sam Jacobs !!!


  1. On my way home to southern Indiana from Washington DC I was sitting on the plane waiting to see who would be my seat mate for the trip and lo and behold, a priest walks up and offers his hand "Hi I'm Father Greg Bramlage! How are you?" From then on we didn't stop talking. I come from a big catholic family, was a camp counselor at a CYO camp for two summers so I welcomed the conversation. He was such a pleasant priest with a comforting personality and spoke to me about the healing powers of the Holy Spirit. I introduced him to my parents after we landed and hopefully someday I'll make it down to his parish for a mass. I "googled him" and came across your blog and couldn't resist commenting. I gave him my business card and hope to hear from him someday. I think it was the best plane ride I've ever had. :)

  2. Thank you, Piper!

    If any way possible, I would strongly recommend all of you trying to be at his March 2008 Conference. Bishop Sam Jacobs will be the main celebrant that weekend.

    The peace of Christ!


  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Fr. Gregory Bramlage and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Central Indiana invite you to a EUCHARISTIC HEALING SERVICE on Sunday, April 27, at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, 1347 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, from 2-5 p.m. The Service includes a Eucharistic Procession; Sacrament of Reconciliation; Praise and Worship Music; Laying on of Hands; and Prayer for Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Parking is behind the Catholic Center (14th and Meridian Streets). For more information, call 317-592-1992, e-mail ccrci@inholyspirit.org, or visit Fr. Bramlage's website at www.StNicholas-Sunman.org.
