A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Life's Paradox

Know that there are some things in life which are exalted and sublime before the Lord but are low and despicable in others' eyes; and other things which people consider grand and n0ble, in the eyes of God are counted worthless and vile.

Second Letter to the Custodes


  1. May God grant us all a small share in His Wisdom that we will know the difference.

  2. Amen, gabrielle. How many times have we jumped in with all four feet only to discover too late that it was ourselves and not God directing traffic?

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Life's paradox--

    We sit in moviehouses and become, from what we watch, more unresponsive to God's will or way of viewing the world.

    Instead we settle for listening
    to swear words, watching violence,
    and concluding we are old enough
    to not let the violence affect us.
    But are we sure it is really not
    influencing us, to accept messages that are not Christ-centered, and even against Christ? One example is the Ave Maria song being played in a preview of the movie HITMAN.
    Do we know what we are accepting and do we know how it is watering down or is in opposition to the truth of the Church and the truth of Christ?

    The more movies I see that run the risk of me accepting things that run counter to Christ, it makes me wonder...

    Do I really understand how these types of movies may be stilting my faith-life and how I view the world? Might there be other messages out there to grasp onto that can be helpful and positive...those devoid of shooting people, killing people, or taking the Lord's name in vain?
