A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Spiritual Accomplishments


Fra Chris Dickson, F.L.A.
Servant General of the Franciscan Lay Apostolate
"Spiritual accomplishments are not only worthless but can actually become vices." ~ Saint John of the Cross (Dark Night of the Soul)


Being Alone In Quiet


"Contemplation usually kindles an inclination and a yearning to be alone and in quiet." ~ Saint John of the Cross


A Spirit That Is Pure And Simple And True

These are the qualities of a spirit that is pure and simple and true: They do not feel like talking about themselves, even to their spiritual guides, because they consider their religious deeds to be so insignificant that they are not worth... mentioning. They are much more interested in discussing their faults and transgressions than their virtues, eager to share whatever is wrong with them. They are inclined to seek direction from people who do not think much of them or of their spiritual accomplishments. ~ Saint John of the Cross (Dark Night of the Soul)

Clothe Yourself In Humility

In the Book of Exodus, God wishes to humble the children of Israel and make them know themselves, so he commands them to strip off the fancy garments in which they had been roaming the desert, saying, "From now on, leave aside your festive ...ornaments and put on common working clothes, that you might know the treatment you merit." In other words, when you wear clothing appropriate to celebration and mirth, you feel less humble than you should. Take off this attire. Clothe yourself in humility, that you may know who you really are and what is rightfully yours. ~ Saint John of the Cross

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Go To Confession If You Are Sad


Saint Francis used to tell his brothers to go to Confession if they were sad. Many of the brothers thought that Francis was telling them that only sin makes you sad. Therefore, if you were sad, all one needed to do was go to Confession. Saint Francis would always say this with a twinkle in his eye and some of the brothers knew from that twinkle what he was really telling them: If you are sad about something that is not a sin, then you are sad about something that you are still attached to and you are not surrendering or trusting in the Lord enough to turn it over to him. ~ Fra Chris

What if...


What if God is not the God we have imagined Him to be; what if through our pride and arrogance we have fashioned a personal God whom we feel comfortable and safe with while thinking that everyone else has it all wrong? What if our God is shaking his head in disbelief as he hangs on the cross upon which we keep him nailed? ~ Fra Chris


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Instruments Of Love In The Hands Of God


"If our poor die of hunger, it is not because God does not care for them. Rather, it is because neither you nor I are generous enough. It is because we are not instruments of love in the hands of God." ~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Have You Done Your Best?


"God will not ask how many books you have read; how many miracles you have worked; He will ask you if you have done your best, for the love of Him."
~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Caperone: An Outward Sign of an Inward Consecration to God

Photo of the Piccoli VV of Italy wearing the Franciscan Caperone
Our clothing is an outward sign of an inward consecration to God, and identifies us as members of a particular religious order in the Church. The F.L.A. Badge and modest dress (caperone, cincture, sandals and tan clothing) are like our wedding ring and garment, since we are signs of the Church as “Bride” of Christ. The caperone is a sign that one is ‘set apart’ by God as a holy offering to God for the salvation of all humankind. Like a public uniform that identifies one as a policeman or nurse, so the caperone publically identifies us as servants of the Gospel, welcoming others to approach us for aid, prayer and service of their spiritual and temporal needs. Our dress reminds us and others that we are servants to all, for we are all one family under God, the Father and Creator of all. We seek always to give glory to God by our manner of acting, believing and by our dress, so as to be signs of God’s living presence in the world. ~ Fra Chris

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Franciscan Lay Apostolate (F.L.A.)

Apostolicam Actuositatem is the Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. It defines the mission of the lay Christian faithful to both "lead non-believers to the faith and to instruct, strengthen, and encourage the fa...ithful to a more fervent life". The lay apostolate are made up of laypeople and consecrated religious who exercise a ministry in cooperation with the Catholic Church, whose organizations cooperate with ecclesiastical authorities. They operate "under the direction of her pastors" but are not members of the official Church hierarchy nor in Holy Orders.

Apostolates operate with the permission of the local Ordinary of a Diocese, but without material support.

The Franciscan Lay Apostolate is currently under the direction of Fra Chris Dickson, F.L.A. Along with his staff, the F.L.A. works to foster the spread of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, and helps to raise the dignity of people's lives by imitating Jesus Christ.

Contact information:

Portiuncula Franciscan Hermitage and Retreat Center
P.O. Box 114
Richmond, IN 47375-0114

Sunday, January 12, 2014

His Words Penetrated Into The Hearts Of The Young Rather Than The Old


Fra Chris Dickson, F.L.A., (Servant General of the Franciscan Lay Apostolate)
along with some of the members of the 
Holy Family Youth Group of Oldenburg, Indiana.

"God gave them his Spirit and the manner of speech necessary to satisfy the needs of the time so that their words penetrated into many hearts; especially into those of the young rather than of the old."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of the Three Companions


Jerusalem, Ohio ... Begging For Stones !!!!


All Catholics in Monroe County, Ohio are being asked to collect all their field stones and drop them off at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Cemetery on Ozark-Eddy Bridge Road just outside of Ozark, Ohio so that we can use them to build our little Adoration Chapel.
"Francis set to begging for stones with which to restore the church of San Damiano. He called to the passers-by: 'Whoever gives me one stone will have one reward; two stones, two rewards; three stones, a treble reward!' "
~ Saint Francis of Assisi
(Legend of the Three Companions)