Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Rise Immediately To Pray

"If the servant of God, as may happen, is disturbed in any way, he should rise immediately to pray and he should remain in the presence of the heavenly Father until he restores unto him the joy of salvation."
Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life
Chapter LXXXIX
Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life
Chapter LXXXIX
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
"Could You Not Spend An Hour With Me?"
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
How many people have you personally led to Jesus Christ?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
How The Third Order (Seculars) Are To Dress
"The men belonging to this brotherhood (Third Order of Franciscans) shall dress... in humble, undyed cloth, the price of which is not to exceed six Ravenna soldi en ell, unless evident and necessary cause a temporary dispensation be given.
The sisters in turn shall wear an outer garment and tunic made of cloth of the same price and humble quality"...
Saint Francis of Assisi
The sisters in turn shall wear an outer garment and tunic made of cloth of the same price and humble quality"...
Saint Francis of Assisi
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Retreat with Fr. Murray Bodo, OFM
"St. Francis' Song of Gratitude"
November 18-20
Sisters of St. Francis
Oldenburg, Indiana
This is a perfect opportunity to pause and prepare our hearts for the winter holidays, warmly kindled by St. Francis' ways of Gratitude!
RSVP - email:
Saint Francis Began A Lay Movement Within The Catholic Church
"Once when blessed Dominic and blessed Francis were together in the presence of the Lord Cardinal of Ostia, who later became Pope, Francis said to the Cardinal, "My Lord, my friars have already been raised to a noble state if they will only realize it; and so far as I am able, I will never permit them to obtain any shadow of dignity." Francis then bowed low to the Cardinal and said, "My Lord, my friars are called Minors so that they may not presume to become greater. Their vocation teaches them to remain in a humble place, and to follow in the footsteps of Christ's humility, so that by this means they may at last be exalted above others in the eyes of the Saints."
Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 43
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wounded In The Most Exquisite Way
Bernini's Saint Teresa of Avila
"And as clearly as it hears a thunderclap, even though no sound is heard, the soul understands that it was called by God...It feels that it is wounded in the most exquisite way...It knows clearly that the wound is something precious, and it would never want to be cured...The wound satisfies it much more than the delightful and painless absorption of the prayer of quiet...a whisper so penetrating that the sould cannot help but hear it."
Saint Teresa of Avila
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
In The Dark Recesses Of Our Own Hearts
"My friend, the fire often burns, but the flame does not ascend without the smoke. So, too, some people have a burning desire for heavenly things, but they are not yet free from feelings rooted deeply in the dark recesses of their own hearts."
Thomas A Kempis
The Immitation of Christ
Thursday, October 06, 2011
How Secret Wisdom Is A Ladder
St. Francis of Assisi seen climbing the Monk's Ladder
"This secret wisdom can also be called a ladder because the same steps are used to ascend and descend. The transmissions that come through secret contemplation both raise he soul up to God and humble her to herself. On the path to God, to rise up is to drop down. She who humbles herself is exalted while she who exalts herself is humbled. God draws the soul high so that it can be submerged, and He lowers her so that she can be lifted back up to Him."
St. John of the Cross
Dark Night of the Soul
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Saint Francis of Assisi, 'giant of holiness,' honored October 4th
On Oct. 4, Roman Catholics celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Italian deacon who brought renewal to the Church through his decision to follow Jesus' words as literally as possible.
In a January 2010 general audience, Pope Benedict XVI recalled this "giant of holiness" as a "great saint and a joyful man," who taught the Church that "the secret of true happiness" is "to become saints, close to God."
The future Saint Francis was born on an uncertain date in the early 1180s, one of the several children born to the wealthy merchant Pietro Bernardone and his wife Pica. He originally received the name Giovanni (or John), but became known as Francesco (or Francis) by his father's choice.
Unlike many medieval saints, St. Francis was neither studious nor pious in his youth. His father's wealth gave him access to a lively social life among the upper classes, where he was known for his flashy clothes and his readiness to burst into song. Later a patron of peacemakers, he aspired to great military feats in his youth and fought in a war with a rival Italian city-state.
A period of imprisonment during that conflict turned his mind toward more serious thoughts, as did a recurring dream that suggested his true "army" was not of this world. He returned to Assisi due to illness in 1205, and there began consider a life of voluntary poverty.
Three major incidents confirmed Francis in this path. In Assisi, he overcame his fear of disease to kiss the hand of a leper. Afterward, he made a pilgrimage to Rome, where he deposited his money at Saint Peter's tomb and exchanged clothes with a beggar. Soon after he returned home, Francis heard Christ tell him in a vision: "Go, Francis, and repair my house, which as you see is falling into ruin."
Francis began to use his father's wealth to restore churches. This led to a public quarrel in which the cloth-merchant's son removed his clothing and declared that he had no father except God. He regarded himself as the husband of "Lady Poverty," and resolved to serve Christ as "a herald of the Great King."
During the year 1208, the "herald" received the inspiration that would give rise to the Franciscan movement. At Mass one morning, he heard the Gospel reading in which Christ instructed the apostles to go forth without money, shoes, or extra clothing. This way of life soon became a papally-approved rule, which would attract huge number of followers within Francis' own lifetime.
Through his imitation of Christ, Francis also shared in the Lord's sufferings. He miraculously received Christ's wounds, the stigmata, in his own flesh during September of 1224. His health collapsed over the next two years, a "living sacrifice" made during two decades of missionary preaching and penance.
St. Francis of Assisi died on Oct. 3, 1226. Pope Gregory IX, his friend and devotee, canonized him in 1228.
Monday, October 03, 2011
When The Time OF Death Was At Hand
When therefore St. Francis had rested for a few days in a place he greatly longed to be in and realized the time of death was at hand, he called to him two brothers and spiritual sons and commanded them to sing in a loud voice with joy of spirit the Praises of the Lord over his approaching death, or rather, over the life that was so near.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, First Life
Sunday, October 02, 2011
October 3rd - the "Transitus" (Death) of St. Francis of Assisi
Francis began THE CANTICLE OF BROTHER SUN in the summer of 1225, at a time indeed when he was deep in suffering, but when he had already attained the mystical heights in his experience on Mount La Verna. But the joy he had experienced in that great privilege was tempered by the thought of how many men were greatly offending their Creator by misusing the creature world God had given them. "For His praise," he said, "I want to compose a new hymn about the Lord's creatures, of which we make daily use, without which we cannot live, and with which the human race greatly offends its Creator."
The first part of the Canticle, up to the verses about pardon and peace, he composed in the garden of the Poor Clare's convent at San Damiano, where he lay sick and in intense suffering for six or seven weeks. He then composed a melody for it and frequently urged his brothers to sing it when they were out preaching. The second part, consisting of the next two verses about pardon and peace, he composed a short time later in an effort to restore peace between the quarreling parties in a dispute between the civil and religious authorities of Assisi. The final verses about Sister Death Francis added shortly before his own death, after Brother Leo and Brother Angelo had sung the Canticle at his request. Celano adds that his last words were: "Welcome, my Sister Death."
St. Francis of Assisi
Omnibus of Sources
St. Francis of Assisi
Omnibus of Sources
October 3 - The "Transitus" (Death) of St. Francis of Assisi

At the time of his death, St. Francis was placed thus upon the ground, with his garment and sackcloth laid aside. He raised his face to heaven said to his brothers: "I have done what was mine to do; may Christ teach you what you are to do."
Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life
Chapter CXLII
Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life
Chapter CXLII
Saturday, October 01, 2011
The Canticle of the Creatures by St. Francis of Assisi
il Cantico delle Creature
Angelo Branduardi
Angelo Branduardi
Lyrics: A te solo Buon Signore Si confanno gloria e onore A Te ogni laude et benedizione A Te solo si confanno Che laltissimo Tu sei E nullomo degno e Te mentovare. Si laudato Mio Signore Con le Tue creature Specialmente Frate Sole E la sua luce. Tu ci illumini di lui Che e bellezza e splendore Di Te Altissimo Signore Porta il segno. Si laudato Mio Signore Per sorelle Luna e Stelle Che Tu in cielo le hai formate Chiare e belle. Si laudato per Frate Vento Aria, nuvole e maltempo Che alle Tue creature dan sostentamento. Si laudato Mio Signore Per sorella nostra Acqua Ella e casta, molto utile E preziosa. Si laudato per Frate Foco Che ci illumina la notte Ed e bello, giocondo E robusto e forte. Si laudato Mio Signore Per la nostra Madre Terra Ella e che ci sostenta E ci governa Si laudato Mio Signore Vari frutti lei produce Molti fiori coloriti E verde lerba. Si laudato per coloro Che perdonano per il Tuo amore Sopportando infermite E tribolazione E beati sian coloro Che cammineranno in pace Che da Te Buon Signore Avran corona. Si laudato Mio Signore Per la Morte Corporale Che da lei nesun che vive Pue scappare E beati saran quelli nella Tua volonte che Sorella Morte non gli fare male T
Feast Day of St. Theresa of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church
"Draw me, we will run..."
To ask to be drawn is to will intimate union with the object which holds the heart captive. If fire and iron were gifted with reason, and that the latter said to the fire: "Draw me," would not this prove that it desired to become identified with the fire even so far as to share its substance? Well, that is exactly my prayer. I beg of Jesus to draw me into the flames of His Love, to unite me so closely to Himself that He may live and act in me. I feel that the more the fire of love inflames my heart, the more I shall say: "Draw me," the more also will the souls who draw near to mine run swiftly in the fragrant odors of the Well-Beloved.
Saint Theresa
(the "Little Flower")
(the "Little Flower")
Story of A Soul
Chapter XI
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