A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rethinking the Pro-Life Movement



  1. Terrific video! A link is on the way from my blog.

    I just finished Zig Ziglar's The Art of CLosing the Sale and, believe it or not, it is quite applicable here. You can't scream at a prospect and get them to buy your product. Selling, according to Zig, is a transferrance of emotion. The prospect learns to feel about your product as you do and then decides to buy.

    Further, prospects don't change their minds, they only make new decisions. You can't tell them they were wrong and get them to buy. You need to give them new information so that they make a new decision.

    I'd suggest that a great combination of tactics would be the one you recommend plus free ultrasounds. It's a transferrance of emotion - love and forgiveness - combined with new information - a picture of their baby.

  2. Sorry, that was "Secrets of Closing the Sale". The other one was by Brian Tracy nd is probably pretty good, but Zig is still the best in my book.
