Among other words used in ordinary conversation, Francis could never hear 'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD' without a kind of transformation within himself. For immediately upon hearing 'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,' he would become excited, stirred, and inflamed, as though an inner chord of his heart had been plucked by the plectrum of the outward voice of the speaker.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life - 196
Dr. Tom Ringenberg during personal prayer time at the
Portiuncula Hermitage in Jerusalem, Ohio
Portiuncula Hermitage in Jerusalem, Ohio
Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters,
Having just experienced one of the most peaceful and fulfilling weekends of my Christian life, I feel led to write you and encourage you to take a fresh breath of the clean air at the Portiuncula Retreat in Jerusalem Ohio. Surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation in the hills of Appalachia, I was refreshed in God’s peace.
The initial reaction to a weekend of silence, fasting and prayer was mixed as I revel in the world’s flash of media and the madness of twenty-four hour news. I feared boredom and the lack of external stimulus. But God is good, and He provided plenty for me. Walks in the woods and fields, silent prayer and meditation, communal prayer with my Brothers in Christ, prayers of intercession, and theological discussion on the travel to and from Jerusalem, stimulated my spirit far more than my flesh has ever been stimulated.
It is my hope that the Portiuncula will become a haven for those who need a fresh touch of God. I will return soon to restore my soul with peace.
Please prayerfully consider joining me "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" in supporting the Portiuncula Retreat Center by simply contributing $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 or more a month.
Thank you and God bless!
The initial reaction to a weekend of silence, fasting and prayer was mixed as I revel in the world’s flash of media and the madness of twenty-four hour news. I feared boredom and the lack of external stimulus. But God is good, and He provided plenty for me. Walks in the woods and fields, silent prayer and meditation, communal prayer with my Brothers in Christ, prayers of intercession, and theological discussion on the travel to and from Jerusalem, stimulated my spirit far more than my flesh has ever been stimulated.
It is my hope that the Portiuncula will become a haven for those who need a fresh touch of God. I will return soon to restore my soul with peace.
Please prayerfully consider joining me "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" in supporting the Portiuncula Retreat Center by simply contributing $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 or more a month.
You can simply Click On The
ParishPay Icon
On the Left Side of this screen,
Or you can make your checks payable to:
Or you can make your checks payable to:
"Portiuncula Hermitage"
% 508 south 16th Street
Richmond, IN 47374.
% 508 south 16th Street
Richmond, IN 47374.
Thank you and God bless!
Yours In Christ,
Dr. Tom Ringenberg
Centerville, IN
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