Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beware of False Apparitions or "Visons"

Brother Rufino, once one of the great noblemen of Assisi, had become a companion of Francis. One day the devil appeared to him in the form of the Crucified Christ, telling him not to believe anything told to him by the 'son of Peter Bernardone' (St. Francis of Assisi), and whoever follows him is deceived.

But the Holy Spirit revealed all this to Brother Masseo and he perceived great peril for Brother Rufino and sent him to see St. Francis immediately and tell him of his vision.

Upon telling Francis of his vision, our Seraphic Father kindly showed Rufino that the vision was the devil and not Christ, and therefore he should in no way consent to his suggestions. "You should also have known that he was the devil because he hardened your heart to everything that is good, for that is exactly his job," said Francis

"The next time the devil speaks to you," St. Francis said, "answer him confidently, 'Open your mouth - and I will Sh*t [empty my bowels] in it!' And let it be a sign to you that he is the devil and he will immediately go away."

When Brother Rufino did as St. Francis instructed, the devil angrily went away with such a commotion and fall of rocks around Mount Subasio that a great mass of stones hurtled down for a long while.
Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis - 29


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