Friday, November 19, 2010

Contemplative Prayer

"If you wish to know how such things come about, consult grace, not doctrine; desire, not understanding; prayerful groaning, not studious  reading; the Spouse, not the teacher; God, not man; darkness, not clarity. Consult not light, but the fire that completely inflames the mind and carries it over to God in transports of fervor and blazes of love. The fire is God...

"Let us die, then, and pass over into the darkness; let us silence every care, every craving, every dream; with Christ crucified, let us pass out of this world to the Father (Jn.13:1)," for Jesus, "is to be adored by sacrifice and praise...admired in ecstasy and contemplation...and embraced with caresses of love." Jesus is to be loved.

Saint Bonaventure


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