Tuesday, March 11, 2008

St. Francis's Rule for Hermitages

Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi
[With my voice I have cried out to the Lord].

...And let them always recite compline of the day immediately after sunset. And they are to strive to preserve silence and to recite the hours, rising even for matins, and let them seek first the kingdom of God and his justice. And at the proper hour let them say prime, and after terce they may break silence, in order to speak or have recourse to their mothers; and when they wish, they may ask alms of them for the love of God, just as little poor ones do. And afterward they are to say sext and none and vespers at the required times*...

St. Francis of Assisi
The Rule of Hermitages

*Matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, vespers, and compline are the hours of the Roman Breviary, the oficial prayer book of the clergy.

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