FIRST READING: Jeremiah 11:18-20
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 7:2-3, 9-10, 11-12
GOSPEL READING: John 7:40-53
With every fiber of his being Francis burned with love for the Sacrament of the Body of the Lord. It left him overcome with wonder for so great a condescension and merciful love. He was said to be disconsolate if, even once, he could not hear daily Mass, even if it was impossible to do so.
He received communion often and with such devotion as to make others experience a like devotion. He rendered every reverence to so venerable a sacramant, offering the sacrifice of his whole self; and when he received the Immolated Lamb of God, he immolated his own spirit in that fire which always burned on the altar of his heart.
Celano – Second Life – 201
Someone I know told me of seeing themselves playing in a field of tall grass with several other kids.
"A little lamb began to follow me everywhere I went. I was angry with the lamb because it was so demanding of all my attention, preventing me fromplaying with the other kids wanted to. That lamb was always getting in my way, pestering me at every turn with its constantly bleating. I became so angry that I turned on it and began to strike it. Time and time again I wounded it. Then the other kids joined in with me.
"We beat the lamb down onto the ground and still we kept beating it until it was dead. Then the other kids ran off laughing and playing and calling after me to follow. As I began to run off with them, I turned and looked back at the lamb. There it was, all bloodied and dead. The sight of it gently wounded my soul. I went back to it and cradling it in my arms I began to weep and begged it to forgive me for what I had done. So gentile, so kind, so loving, how could I have done such a vile thing as this? What was I thinking? Oh please forgive me, little lamb. Please forgive me. Oh Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on me!"
A brother
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