Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Letter To The Faithful

But all those who do not the works of penance, who will not receive the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, but who do the works of sin and death; who follow their own concupiscience and wicked desires; who will not keep what they have promised; who are slaves to the world and to their bodies and are engrossed by the desires, cares, and anxieties of this life-all these are deceived by the devil, whose children they are, for they do his workds. They are blind, for they cannot see the true light, Jesus Christ our Lord. They have not the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, because the Son of God is not in them, and he is the wisdom of the Father...You think to possess the vain joys of this world for a long time, but you are deceived, for the day and the hour are coming of which you will not think and of which you do not know.

St. Francis
Leter to the Faithful

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