Thursday, August 16, 2007

Of the Humility and Peace to be Observed Toward Priests

My beloved brethren, we have been sent to assist priests in the salvation of souls, that what is wanting in them may be supplied by us. Everyone will receive his reward, not according to his dignity, but according to his labor. Know, my brethren, that the salvation of souls is most pleasing to God, and this we shall procure much better by living in concord with the clergy than by being at variance with them. If they hinder this work, God is their judge, and he will avenge it in due time. Therefore be subject to the prelates, that, as far as you can prevent it, no envy may arise. If you are the sons of peace, you will gain both the clergy and the people, and this will be much more acceptable to God than if you gained the people only and scandalized the clergy. Hide their faults, supply their deficiencies; and when you have done this, humble yourselves all the more.

St. Francis
Admonitions to the Bretheren

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