Thursday, August 17, 2006

It Is God Who Purifies Us

"God is teaching us over and over again that it is He who is puryfying us, not we ourselves. He does this in His own way, His own pace. When we run ahead or Him he leaves us on our own and we usually stumble. When He leaves us to depend on our own strength, we soon learn that there is little strength in us. We may suffer one humiliation after another, until it begins to dawn on us that he is everything. We either gradually learn to trust Him or we continue to trust ourselves."

Father John Catoir
"Enjoy the Lord A Path To Contemplation"

1 comment:

  1. Father John Catoir is a brilliant yet humble man of God. He really hits the nail on the head here. We think that we can pray or work our way into God's holy presence, but holiness is a gift, a grace, that is freely bestowed by our Father and nothing we can capture on our own abilities or achievements.
