Monday, January 31, 2022

Our Lady Of Guadalupe Visits Monroe County, Ohio Catholic Parishes And Homes


Fr. Timothy Davison, pastor of the Monroe County, Ohio Catholic parishes, led the faithful in praying a Pro-Life Rosary in front of the Monroe County Courthouse on August 21, 2021. 

The Portiuncula Franciscan Hermitage had the distinct pleasure of having the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe visit our humble hermitage on August 25, 2021, where several Pro-Life Rosaries were prayed for an end to abortion in America and throughout the world.

Father Tim also blessed every room and performed the Right of Exorcism to protect not only the hermitage but also all those who visit here.


Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Most Closely Guarded Secret Of Monks


A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?
The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, and even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, We can't tell you because you're not a monk. The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way. Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same monastery. The monks again accept him, feed him, and even fix his car.. That night, he hears the same strange mesmerizing sound that he had heard years earlier. The next morning, he asks what the sound was, but the monks reply, We can't tell you because you're not a monk. The man says, all right, all right. I'm dying to know. If the only way I can find out what that sound was is to become a monk, how do I become a monk? The monks reply, you must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk. The man sets about his task. Some forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, I have traveled the earth and devoted my life to the task demanded and have found what you had asked for. There are 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth. The monks reply, congratulations, you are correct, and you are now considered a monk . We shall now show you the way to the sound. The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, the sound is behind that door.. The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He asks, May I have the key ? The monks give him the key, and he opens the door. Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone... The man requests the key to the stone door. The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby. He demands another key from the monks, who provide it. Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire. And so it went on until the man had gone through doors of emerald, silver, topaz, and amethyst. Finally, the monks say, This is the key to the last door . The man is relieved to be at the end. He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is astonished to find the source of that strange sound. It is truly an amazing and unbelievable sight
.. But I can't tell you what it is because you're not a monk.


No Long-Winded Sermons


St. Francis was convinced that conversion of sinners was a work of mercy that was more acceptable to the Father than any sacrifice, particularly if it was done in the spirit of perfect charity, more by example than by preaching, more by fervent prayer than by long-winded sermons!

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure - Major Life
Chapter VIII

Ceremony of Investment Into the Franciscan Lay Apostolate (F.L.A.)



The investment of postulants with the scapular and cord takes place ordinarily twice a year at the monthly fraternity meeting of the Order. Only under special circumstances should private investments be permitted. The ceremonies of investment and profession can also be combined, to give more time for the monthly conference.

The postulants should receive a notification of investment beforehand, and the notification slip, bearing their name, address and new name in the Order should be presented to the Director as he invites each one. From these slips the record of investments is entered into the Fraternity Register of Investment and Professions. This same procedure should be followed by profession.

Postulants may be invested at the Communion rail, or preferably, at the altar step, the Novice Master and Mistress assisting to adjust the scapular and cord.

The Ritual of Investment
1. Opening the Meeting

Vested in surplice and stole, the priest kneels on the first step of the altar and begins the Prayers Before the Meeting on page 1. If, as is customary, the Come, Holy Ghost is sung before the sermon, the Veni Creator may be omitted at the beginning of the investment ceremony, i.e., after the blessing of the scapulars and cords. In this case, the priest may recite the Veni, Creator privately. After opening prayers the sermon is given.

2. The Petition

After the sermon, the priest, either standing or seated in a chair on the predella of the altar on the Epistle side, puts to the postulants kneeling before him the following question:
Quae est petition vestra? (What do you ask?)
Respondent postulantes: (The postulants answer together:)
Rev. pater, ego humiliter postulo habitum Tertii Ordinis de Poententia, ut cum eo salute aeternam facilious consequi valeam. (Reverend Father, I humbly ask of you the habit of the Third Order of Penance, * in order that with it * I may more easily obtain eternal salvation).
Tunc sacerdos ait: (The priest says:)
Deo gratias. (Thanks be to God.)
The priest addresses a few words of exhortation to the postulants. Then, facing the altar, he blesses the habits of the Third Order.

3. Blessing of the Scapulars and Cords

 Front view of the Caperon (Scapular) worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates

Rear view of the Caperon (Scapular) worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates

Photo of the Badge worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates
(St. Francis of Assisi Scapular with the Tau Cross Attached)
Photo of the Cincture worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates 
(aka the "White Cord of St. Francis of Assisi)

V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini
(Our help is in the name of the Lord.)
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.
(Who made heaven and earth.)
V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam,
(O Lord, hear my prayer,)
R. Et clamor meus ad te ventiat.
(And let my cry come unto you.)
V. Dominus vobiscum.
(The Lord be with you.)
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
(And with your spirit.)

In private receptions, the following prayer is omitted.

V: Oremus
(Let us pray:)

All: O Lord Jesus Christ, who have deigned to put on the garb of our mortality * and to be wrapped in swaddling clothes in the manger, * and who have graciously inspired your glorious confessor our blessed father Francis to institute three orders * and the Supreme Pontiffs of the Church, your vicars, * to approve them: * we humbly beseech the abundance of your clemency that you would deign to bless and sanctify these garments, * which the same blessed Francis enjoined his fellow soldiers, the Brothers of Penance, * to wear as a badge of penance and as a strong armor against the world, the flesh, and the Devil; * that these your servants, devoutly receiving them may so clothe themselves with you that they may in spirit of humility faithfully walk in the way of your commandments till death. Who live and reign world without end. Amen.

Benedictio cinguli seu chordae: (Blessing of the Cord:)

V. Oremus (Let us pray:)

All: O God,  who, to set the slave free, * would have your Son bound by the hands of impious men, * bless, we beseech you, * these cinctures * and grant that your servants who are girded with this bond of penance, * may be always mindful of the cords of our Lord Jesus Christ * and ever acknowledge themselves bound to your service. Through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

The priest sprinkles the habits or scapulars and the cords, with holy water.
4. The Investment

The priest kneels before the altar and recites or sings alternately with the congregation or the choir the Veni Creator, unless it has been sung earlier in the meeting; or, while the priest recites it alone, the members can sing the Come, Holy Ghost:

The hymn being concluded, the priest rises, goes up to the altar steps to the predella, and turns to the postulants kneeling before the altar. Propriety requires that the following rites be done individually. If ever great numbers make it necessary to use the plural at the giving of the articles, the form may be said once for all, the priest then proceeding to bestow the respective articles on each postulant in succession.

May the Lord divest you of the old man with his acts, and turn away your heart from the pomps of the world, which you renounced when receiving Baptism
R. Amen.

The priest gives the scapular to each postulant, saying:

May the Lord clothe you with the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth.
R. Amen

Giving the cord, the priest says:

May the Lord gird you with the cincture of purity and extinguish in your loins the passion of lust, that the virtue of continency and chastity may dwell in you.
R. Amen.

Then, a lighted candle is presented to the postulant, with the words:

Receive, dearest brother, the light of Christ as a sign of your immortality.
R. Amen.

Now the priest may give the novitiate a new name, saying:

Your name as a Tertiary shall be Brother (Sister) N.

And turning towards those present, the priests blesses everyone, saying:

May the blessing of almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend upon you, and remain forever. Amen.

The ceremony being concluded, each novice's Christian name, surname, residence, and the day of clothing must be entered in the register of the fraternity. It is customary to inscribe the date of reception on a page provided for this in the manual of prayers of the Third Order, The Tertiaries Companion. Certificates of reception can also be given to the novices.

Mark Hegener, O.F.M.

Pius J. Barth, O.F.M.
Minister Provincial, Sacred Heart Province

Conradin Wallbraun, O.F.M.
Marion Habig, O.F.M.
Censores Liborum

Samuel Cardinal Stritch
Archbishop of Chicago

April 16, 1955

The Bible Is A Double Edged Sword


As Christians, we need to learn that we can disagree without being disagreeable. Unfortunately, too many Christians read  the verse in the Bible saying that the Word of God is  a "Double Edged Sword" and we use it to attack each other (especially other Christian denominations). We swing our bibles in the air like a broadsword and "whack!" while shouting, "Take THAT dogma!" Or "Whack!" shouting out, "Take THAT doctrine!" 

What we should really be doing with that double edged sword is using it to circumcise our own sinful hearts, trimming off the excess flesh of our own cantankerous natures.


O God, My Flesh Faints For You (Psalm 63)


Once when Brother John was staying in the Place of Mogliano of the Custody of Fermo in the Province of the Marches...when he had proceeded as far as the Preface of the Blessed Virgin, the supernatural illumination and sweet consolation of God's love increased so much within him that when he reached the Qui pridie he could hardly endure such overwhelming sweetness. Finally, when he came to the Consecration itself and began to pronounce the words of the Consecration over the Host, he kept repeating the first of the formula - Hoc est - Hoc est - very often, and he was unable to go any further. And the reason why he could not go on was that e felt and saw the presence of Christ and of a throng of angels and saints, so that he almost fainted because of their grandeur which he felt in his soul.

St. Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis - 53


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Receiving The Sacraments Of The Holy Catholic Church


All my children and my eleven Grandchildren are all Baptized.  The four oldest Grandchildren have also received their First Communion. Finally, my two oldest Grandchildren have received their Confirmation. 

Does this make me "Rigid?"


Begging For Stones In Monroe County, Ohio


Thank you to my dear friend and pastor, Fr. Tim Davison, pastor of the Catholic churches in Monroe County, Ohio, for putting this clarion call in the weekly bulletins of St. John the Baptist parish in Miltonsburg, Ohio and St. Sylvester parish in Woodsfield, Ohio. 

Also, a special "Thank You" goes out to all the Catholics of Monroe County, Ohio who have donated nearly 600  stones for the building of this Portiuncula (Little Portion) Chapel.

God bless each and every one of you!

Fra Chris, F.L.A.


Kiss Me With The Kisses Of Your Mouth (Canticle of Canticle)


"Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth" [Canticle 1:2] The kiss is the ultimate of intimacy between two individuals. In the Canticles Yahweh literally and intimately becomes one with Israel because God thirsts for intimacy with each and every one of us, even when we are steeped in sin. Likewise, intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, takes place on the Cross, which becomes our bridal chamber where total union takes place within the intimacy of suffering. 

The bible does not say, "kiss me with the kisses of your hand." 


Friday, January 14, 2022



The incense symbolizes our prayer, whose source is in the love of God, the divine fire that our Lord came to cast upon the earth.

"Accendat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amoris, et flammarm aeternae caritatis. Amen."

(English Translation: May the Lord enkindle within us the fire of His love, and the flames of everlasting charity. Amen.)

Afterwards the Celebrant, clergy, and people are incensed.


Thursday, January 13, 2022




I just received my book and I am going to order additional copies for all my friends. 

Note: the photo on the cover is St. Paul's Cathedral in Munster, Westfalia taken in 1946, immediately following World War II. I was stationed in the Army Intelligence in Münster from 1969 to 1970. At that same time, a priest by the name of Father Joseph Ratzinger was a professor of Theology at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster). I wish I had met him back then.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Fly To The Closet Of Thy Heart


Enter, like Moses, into the tabernacle, to consult the Lord, thou shalt sometimes hear the divine answer and come out instructed in many things, present and to come.

For Moses always had recourse to the tabernacle, for the deciding of all doubts and questions, and fled to the help of prayer against the dangers and wickedness of men.

So must thou in like manner fly to the closet of they heart, and there most earnestly implore the divine assistance. (Matthew 6:6)


Thomas A' Kempis


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How To Conduct Ourselves In Front Of Unbelievers


The brothers can conduct themselves among unbelievers spiritually in two ways. One way is to avoid quarrels or disputes and be subject to every human creature for God's sake (1 Peter 2:13), so bearing witness in the fact that they are Christians. Another way is to proclaim the word of God openly, when they see that is God's will, calling on their hearers to believe in God almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Creator of all, and in the Son, the Redeemer and Savior, that they may be baptized and become Christians, because unless a man be born again of water, and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).

Saint Francis of Assisi
The Rule of 1221
Chapter 16


Monday, January 10, 2022

The Conversion Of A Soldier


There was a certain strong soldier who had won many victories and later became a Friar Minor. And when soldiers laughed at him because he had joined such an Order rather then the Templars or a similar Order where he could do much good and still fight battles, he replied: "I tell you that when I feel thirst, hunger, cold, and such things, the impulse of pride and concupiscence and such still attacks me. How much worse would it be if I saw my feet shod in armor and I was on a handsome horse and so on!" And he added: "So far I was strong in fighting others - from now on I want to be strong fighting myself!"

Thanks be to God.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis
Part 3:7


January 10 Feast Day Of St. Gregory Of Nyssa


The son of two saints, Basil and Emmilia, young Gregory was raised by his older brother, Saint Basil the Great, and his sister, Macrina, in modern-day Turkey. Gregory’s success in his studies suggested great things were ahead for him. After becoming a professor of rhetoric, he was persuaded to devote his learning and efforts to the Church. By then married, Gregory went on to study for the priesthood and become ordained (this at a time when celibacy was not a matter of law for priests).

He was elected Bishop of Nyssa in 372, a period of great tension over the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ. Briefly arrested after being falsely accused of embezzling Church funds, Gregory was restored to his see in 378, an act met with great joy by his people.

It was after the death of his beloved brother Basil, that Gregory really came into his own. He wrote with great effectiveness against Arianism and other questionable doctrines, gaining a reputation as a defender of orthodoxy. He was sent on missions to counter other heresies and held a position of prominence at the Council of Constantinople. His fine reputation stayed with him for the remainder of his life, but over the centuries it gradually declined as the authorship of his writings became less and less certain. But, thanks to the work of scholars in the 20th century, his stature is once again appreciated. Indeed, Saint Gregory of Nyssa is seen not simply as a pillar of orthodoxy but as one of the great contributors to the mystical tradition in Christian spirituality and to monasticism itself.

Note: Saint Gregory of Nyssa would be considered "Rigid" by Church Fathers today.


Sunday, January 09, 2022

Why Do Franciscan Cross Their Arms When They Pray?


It originated from Orthodox Catholic liturgy and goes as far back as Latin Orthodoxy where one would cross themselves at various times of Holy Mass and prayer. By crossing one’s arms across one’s heart, we are crossing ourselves just as a Catholic would cross themselves for prayers. 


Celebrating The Liturgy With The Tradition Of Our Fathers



"...the true contemplative has the highest esteem for the liturgy and is careful and exact in celebrating it, IN CONTINUITY WITH THE TRADITIONS OF OUR FATHERS."

The Cloud of Unknowing

(14th Century Roman Catholic Mystic)


Regarding Those Who Reject The Common Doctrine Of The Church


(Photo of the Latin Rite Mass as it has been celebrated for over 2,000 years until just recently when it became anathema to followers of the Marxist Dominated New World Order)

"These people...are vulnerable to a pseudo-experience designed and directed by their spiritual enemy. They go so far as to rise up and blaspheme the saints, the sacraments, and the ordinances of Holy Church. Sensual-living men of the world who feel that the Church's requirements for the proper amendment of their lives are too burdensome quickly and easily follow after these heretics and fiercely support them. All this because they imagine that these heretics will lead them by a smoother path than Holy Church....In all truth they may be called the disciples of Anti-Christ."

The Cloud of Unknowing

(written by a 14th Century Roman Catholic Mystic).




January 18, 2022 @ 6:00 P.M. Holy Family Church in Steubenville Pray for the end of Abortion and Greater Respect for all Human Life


9 Days For Life


January 19, 2022, Catholics across the country will join in prayer for “9 Days For Life.” It’s the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. The novena and day of prayer are a time of recollection and reparation in observation of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade—the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal throughout the U.S. The overarching intention of the novena is that all human life will be respected. Participants can subscribe to receive the daily prayers at….


How To Show Love


Giving away money does not show love. Giving away love shows love. 

Fra Chris


Monday, January 03, 2022

Every Priest Has The Gift Of Healing

 "Every priest has the gift of healing." 

Sister Briege McKenna OSC


Sunday, January 02, 2022

The Canticle Of The Creatures

 Francis began THE CANTICLE OF BROTHER SUN in the summer of 1225, at a time indeed when he was deep in suffering, but when he had already attained the mystical heights in his experience on Mount La Verna. But the joy he had experienced in that great privilege was tempered by the thought of how many men were greatly offending their Creator by misusing the creature world God had given them. "For His praise," he said, "I want to compose a new hymn about the Lord's creatures, of which we make daily use, without which we cannot live, and with which the human race greatly offends its Creator."

The first part of the Canticle, up to the verses about pardon and peace, he composed in the garden of the Poor Clare's convent at San Damiano, where he lay sick and in intense suffering for six or seven weeks. He then composed a melody for it and frequently urged his brothers to sing it when they were out preaching. The second part, consisting of the next two verses about pardon and peace, he composed a short time later in an effort to restore peace between the quarreling parties in a dispute between the civil and religious authorities of Assisi. The final verses about Sister Death Francis added shortly before his own death, after Brother Leo and Brother Angelo had sung the Canticle at his request. Celano adds that his last words were: "Welcome, my Sister Death."

St. Francis of Assisi
Omnibus of Sources

il Cantico delle Creature
(The Canticle of the Creatures - St. Francis of Assisi)

Angelo Branduardi


A te solo Buon Signore
Si confanno gloria e onore
A Te ogni laude et benedizione
A Te solo si confanno
Che laltissimo Tu sei
E nullomo degno e
Te mentovare.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Con le Tue creature
Specialmente Frate Sole
E la sua luce.
Tu ci illumini di lui
Che e bellezza e splendore
Di Te Altissimo Signore
Porta il segno.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per sorelle Luna e Stelle
Che Tu in cielo le hai formate
Chiare e belle.
Si laudato per Frate Vento
Aria, nuvole e maltempo
Che alle Tue creature dan sostentamento.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per sorella nostra Acqua
Ella e casta, molto utile
E preziosa.
Si laudato per Frate Foco
Che ci illumina la notte
Ed e bello, giocondo
E robusto e forte.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per la nostra Madre Terra
Ella e che ci sostenta
E ci governa
Si laudato Mio Signore
Vari frutti lei produce
Molti fiori coloriti
E verde lerba.
Si laudato per coloro
Che perdonano per il Tuo amore
Sopportando infermite
E tribolazione
E beati sian coloro
Che cammineranno in pace
Che da Te Buon Signore
Avran corona.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per la Morte Corporale
Che da lei nesun che vive
Pue scappare
E beati saran quelli
nella Tua volonte
che Sorella Morte
non gli fare male