Of The Bird That Rested In Francis' Hands

When the blessed Francis was going across the lake of Rieti to the hermitage of Greccio, he was sitting in a certain little boat. A certain fisherman offered him a waterfowl, that he might rejoice over it in the Lord. The blessed father accepted it joyfully, and opening his hands, he gently told it it was free to fly away. But when it did not wish to leave, but wanted to rest there in his hands as in a nest, the saint raised his eyes and remained in prayer. And returning to himself as from another place after a long while, he gently commanded the bird to go back to its former freedom. So, upon receiving this permission along with a blessing, the bird flew away, showing its joy by a certain movement of the body.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life


Abandon Yourself Totally



"Abandon yourself totally in the arms of the divine goodness of the heavenly Father and do not fear, because your fear would be more ridiculous than that of a child in his mother's womb." ~ Saint Padre Pio

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Wounded In The Most Exquisite Way


Bernini's "Saint Teresa of Avila"

"And as clearly as it hears a thunderclap, even though no sound is heard, the soul understands that it was called by God...It feels that it is wounded in the most exquisite way...It knows clearly that the wound is something precious, and it would never want to be cured...The wound satisfies it much more than the delightful and painless absorption of the prayer of quiet...a whisper so penetrating that the soul cannot help but hear it."

Saint Teresa of Avila


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Saint Francis Began A Lay Movement Within The Catholic Church


"Once when blessed Dominic and blessed Francis were together in the presence of the Lord Cardinal of Ostia, who later became Pope, Francis said to the Cardinal, "My Lord, my friars have already been raised to a noble state if they will only realize it; and so far as I am able, I will never permit them to obtain any shadow of dignity." Francis then bowed low to the Cardinal and said, "My Lord, my friars are called Minors so that they may not presume to become greater. Their vocation teaches them to remain in a humble place, and to follow in the footsteps of Christ's humility, so that by this means they may at last be exalted above others in the eyes of the Saints."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 43


The Portiuncula Chapter Held At Pentecost


This is how the Portiuncula looked in 1221 A.D., 
encircled by hermit's "cells"

After blessed Francis had been given the sanctuary of Saint Mary of the Angels, the Portiuncula, by the abbot of Saint Benedict, he decided that twice in the year, at Pentecost, and at the feast of Saint Michael in September, all the brothers should gather there and hold a chapter.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of the Three Companions


Saturday, October 23, 2021

No, Pope Francis, It's Not Global Warming Nor Marxist/Socialism


St. Francis used to say that nothing is more important than the salvation of souls, and he often offered as proof the fact that the Only-begotten of God deigned to hang on the cross for souls.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Celano, Second Life



Friday, October 22, 2021

The Fear And Love Of God Has Died Out In The Country

Before Francis preached sermons to the people they met, in passing through towns and castles he exhorted all men and women to fear God and to do penance for their sins, while brother Giles exhorted them to believe and to follow the excellent counsels of Francis.

When people heard them, they said: "Who are these men, and who do they speak like this?" They made this comment because at that time the fear and love of God had died out in the country and no one spoke of penance which indeed was considered a folly. This attitude was caused by the temptations of the flesh, the cupidity of the world, and the pride of life; the whole of mankind seemed engulfed in these evil forces.

Opinions varied about these men who were so obviously set on following the Gospel: some people declared that they were fools or drunk, but others maintained such words were those of folly.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of the Three Companions


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Regard Money As Dust


We should have no more use or regard for money in any of its forms than for dust. Those who think it is worth more or who are greedy for it, expose themselves to the danger of being deceived by the devil. We have left everything we had behind us; we must be very careful now not to lose the kingdom of heaven for so little.

Saint Francis of Assisi
RULE OF 1221
Chapter 8


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Tertiary Monthly Pledge



All:  Realizing the importance of saving my immortal soul * and the great value of the Third Order Rule * to achieve this all important goal in life * I hereby resolve to observe this sanctifying Rule * not only in part * but as fully as human frailty will allow.

With God's grade, * I will assist at Holy Mass on weekdays, whenever possible * recite my Seraphic Office faithfully * never omit grace before and after meals * and examine my conscience each night.

I will receive the Sacraments at least once a month * attend the fraternity meetings regularly * and contribute according to my means for the charities of the Order.

I will always carefully observe the Commandments of God and the Church * wear my Scapular and Cord * avoid extravagance in dress and manner of living * avoid dangerous amusements * be temperate in food and drink * set a good example to my family and fellow-man * avoid dangerous reading * be at peace with all * avoid vulgar and improper speech * and practice charity towards all * with special solicitude toward sick and deceased members.

May Saint Francis * so wonderful in penance and love of Jesus Crucified * grant me the necessary spirit of prayer * penance * love and sacrifice * so that I may faithfully observe his rule until death. Amen.

Ritual for Public Functions
Mark Hegener, O.F.M.
Franciscan Herald Press, 1955


Ceremony of Investment Into the Franciscan Lay Apostolate



The investment of postulants with the scapular and cord takes place ordinarily twice a year at the monthly fraternity meeting of the Order. Only under special circumstances should private investments be permitted. The ceremonies of investment and profession can also be combined, to give more time for the monthly conference.

The postulants should receive a notification of investment beforehand, and the notification slip, bearing their name, address and new name in the Order should be presented to the Director as he invites each one. From these slips the record of investments is entered into the Fraternity Register of Investment and Professions. This same procedure should be followed by profession.

Postulants may be invested at the Communion rail, or preferably, at the altar step, the Novice Master and Mistress assisting to adjust the scapular and cord.

The Ritual of Investment
1. Opening the Meeting

Vested in surplice and stole, the priest kneels on the first step of the altar and begins the Prayers Before the Meeting on page 1. If, as is customary, the Come, Holy Ghost is sung before the sermon, the Veni Creator may be omitted at the beginning of the investment ceremony, i.e., after the blessing of the scapulars and cords. In this case, the priest may recite the Veni, Creator privately. After opening prayers the sermon is given.

2. The Petition

After the sermon, the priest, either standing or seated in a chair on the predella of the altar on the Epistle side, puts to the postulants kneeling before him the following question:
Quae est petition vestra? (What do you ask?)
Respondent postulantes: (The postulants answer together:)
Rev. pater, ego humiliter postulo habitum Tertii Ordinis de Poententia, ut cum eo salute aeternam facilious consequi valeam. (Reverend Father, I humbly ask of you the habit of the Third Order of Penance, * in order that with it * I may more easily obtain eternal salvation).
Tunc sacerdos ait: (The priest says:)
Deo gratias. (Thanks be to God.)
The priest addresses a few words of exhortation to the postulants. Then, facing the altar, he blesses the habits of the Third Order.

3. Blessing of the Scapulars and Cords

 Front view of the Caperon (Scapular) worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates

Rear view of the Caperon (Scapular) worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates

Photo of the Badge worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates
(St. Francis of Assisi Scapular with the Tau Cross Attached)
Photo of the Cincture worn by the Franciscan Lay Apostolates 
(aka the "White Cord of St. Francis of Assisi)

V. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini
(Our help is in the name of the Lord.)
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.
(Who made heaven and earth.)
V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam,
(O Lord, hear my prayer,)
R. Et clamor meus ad te ventiat.
(And let my cry come unto you.)
V. Dominus vobiscum.
(The Lord be with you.)
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
(And with your spirit.)

In private receptions, the following prayer is omitted.

V: Oremus
(Let us pray:)

All: O Lord Jesus Christ, who have deigned to put on the garb of our mortality * and to be wrapped in swaddling clothes in the manger, * and who have graciously inspired your glorious confessor our blessed father Francis to institute three orders * and the Supreme Pontiffs of the Church, your vicars, * to approve them: * we humbly beseech the abundance of your clemency that you would deign to bless and sanctify these garments, * which the same blessed Francis enjoined his fellow soldiers, the Brothers of Penance, * to wear as a badge of penance and as a strong armor against the world, the flesh, and the Devil; * that these your servants, devoutly receiving them may so clothe themselves with you that they may in spirit of humility faithfully walk in the way of your commandments till death. Who live and reign world without end. Amen.

Benedictio cinguli seu chordae: (Blessing of the Cord:)

V. Oremus (Let us pray:)

All: O God,  who, to set the slave free, * would have your Son bound by the hands of impious men, * bless, we beseech you, * these cinctures * and grant that your servants who are girded with this bond of penance, * may be always mindful of the cords of our Lord Jesus Christ * and ever acknowledge themselves bound to your service. Through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

The priest sprinkles the habits or scapulars and the cords, with holy water.
4. The Investment

The priest kneels before the altar and recites or sings alternately with the congregation or the choir the Veni Creator, unless it has been sung earlier in the meeting; or, while the priest recites it alone, the members can sing the Come, Holy Ghost:

The hymn being concluded, the priest rises, goes up to the altar steps to the predella, and turns to the postulants kneeling before the altar. Propriety requires that the following rites be done individually. If ever great numbers make it necessary to use the plural at the giving of the articles, the form may be said once for all, the priest then proceeding to bestow the respective articles on each postulant in succession.

May the Lord divest you of the old man with his acts, and turn away your heart from the pomps of the world, which you renounced when receiving Baptism
R. Amen.

The priest gives the scapular to each postulant, saying:

May the Lord clothe you with the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth.
R. Amen

Giving the cord, the priest says:

May the Lord gird you with the cincture of purity and extinguish in your loins the passion of lust, that the virtue of continency and chastity may dwell in you.
R. Amen.

Then, a lighted candle is presented to the postulant, with the words:

Receive, dearest brother, the light of Christ as a sign of your immortality.
R. Amen.

Now the priest may give the novitiate a new name, saying:

Your name as a Tertiary shall be Brother (Sister) N.

And turning towards those present, the priests blesses everyone, saying:

May the blessing of almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend upon you, and remain forever. Amen.

The ceremony being concluded, each novice's Christian name, surname, residence, and the day of clothing must be entered in the register of the fraternity. It is customary to inscribe the date of reception on a page provided for this in the manual of prayers of the Third Order, The Tertiaries Companion. Certificates of reception can also be given to the novices.

Mark Hegener, O.F.M.

Pius J. Barth, O.F.M.
Minister Provincial, Sacred Heart Province

Conradin Wallbraun, O.F.M.
Marion Habig, O.F.M.
Censores Liborum

Samuel Cardinal Stritch
Archbishop of Chicago

April 16, 1955


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Work In Harmony With The Clergy


Fr. Timothy Davison

Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Miltonsburg, Ohio, St. Sylvester of Woodsfield, Ohio, the Immaculate Conception Cemetery in Ozark, Ohio and the Portiuncula Hermitage and Retreat Center in Jerusalem, Ohio

"Remember that the winning of souls is what pleases God most, and we can do this better by working in harmony with the clergy than in opposition. If you are people of peace, you will win both clergy and people, and this will be more pleasing to God than if you were to win the people alone and alienate the clergy."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 54


Chapter Of Mats


When blessed Francis was at the Chapter General held at Saint Mary of the Portiuncula - known as the Chapter of Mats, because the only shelters there consisted of rush-mats, which were used by five thousand friars - a number of prudent and learned friars went to the Lord Cardinal of Ostia who was present, and said to him, 'My Lord, we wish that you would persuade Brother Francis to follow the advice of the wiser brethren, and allow himself to be guided by them.' And they quoted Rules of Saint Benedict, Saint Augustine, and Saint Bernard, which lay down the principles of the regular life.

Saint Francis replied, 'My brothers! My brothers! God has called me by the say of simplicity and humility, and has in truth revealed this way for me and for all who are willing to trust and follow me...The Lord told me he wished me to be a new kind of simpleton in this world, and He does not wish us to libe by any other wisdom but this. God will confound you through your own prudence and learning.'

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 68


Monday, October 18, 2021

When Tempted With Lust

When St. Francis saw that the temptations of lust did not leave him in spite of the scourging, even though all his members were marked with welts, he opened his cell and went out into the garden and cast himself naked into a deep pile of snow...The devil then parted in confusion, and the saint returned to his cell glorifying God.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano - Second Life
Chapter LXXXII


We Seem To Think




Saint Francis thought
that to choose the poor
is just as good
as if one should marry
the most beautiful girl in the world.
We seem to think
that poor people
are social nuisances
and not the Ambassadors of God.
We seem to think
that Lady Poverty
is an ugly girl
and not the beautiful girl
that Saint Francis of Assisi
says she is.
And because we think so,
we refuse to feed the poor
with our superfluous goods
and let the politicians
feed the poor
by going around
like pickpockets,
robbing Peter
to pay Paul,
and feeding the poor
by soaking the rich.


His Own Franciscan Order Was Torn From His Hands


Once, when asked by one of the friars why he had abandoned his charge of the friars and entrusted them into the hands of others as they they did not belong to him at all, he replied, "My son, I love the brethren to the utmost of my power, but if they would follow in my footsteps I should love them still more, and would not make myself a stranger to them. For some of the superiors pull them in another direction, holding up to them as patterns the men of long ago, and disregarding my warnings. But what they are doing and the way in which they are now acting will appear more clearly in the end."

And shortly afterwards, when he was burdened with severe illness, he raised himself in bed, and cried out in vehemence of spirit, "Who are these who have torn my Order and my friars from out of my hands?"...

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 41


 Fonte Colombo Sanctuario

At 5.5 km from Rieti, it is the place where, according to tradition, San Francesco (St. Francis), during a stay of meditation lasting for forty days in 1223, received confirmation of the Franciscan Order by Jesus, which he dictated to Brother Leone.

Francis used to exhort the friars fervently to be faithful to the Rule, saying that he had dictated everything as it was revealed to him by God and that nothing he had prescribed came from himself. This was proved by God's own testimony only a short time afterwards when Francis received the stigmata of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was the seal of Christ, the supreme High Priest, which he gave the Rule and its author his divine approval...

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life


Friday, October 15, 2021

O God, My Flesh Faints For You (Psalm 63)


Once when Brother John was staying in the Place of Mogliano of the Custody of Fermo in the Province of the Marches...when he had proceeded as far as the Preface of the Blessed Virgin, the supernatural illumination and sweet consolation of God's love increased so much within him that when he reached the Qui pridie he could hardly endure such overwhelming sweetness. Finally, when he came to the Consecration itself and began to pronounce the words of the Consecration over the Host, he kept repeating the first of the formula - Hoc est - Hoc est - very often, and he was unable to go any further. And the reason why he could not go on was that e felt and saw the presence of Christ and of a throng of angels and saints, so that he almost fainted because of their grandeur which he felt in his soul.

St. Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis - 53


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Spiritual Accomplishments Are Worthless Vices


Fra Chris Dickson, F.L.A.
Servant General of the Franciscan Lay Apostolate
"Spiritual accomplishments are not only worthless but can actually become vices." ~ Saint John of the Cross (Dark Night of the Soul)


Let Humanity Kneel In Fear


Let humanity kneel in fear, let the whole universe tremble, and let heaven rejoice when Christ the Son of the Living God is on the altar in the hands of the priest.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Letter to the Whole Order


Receiving The Food Which Is God Himsel

 One day it was raining heavily, and he was riding because of his infirmity and pressing need. And although he was already drenched to the skin, he dismounted from the horse when he wished to say the Hours, and said the Office standing in the road with the rain pouring down on him, as though he had been in a church or cell. And he said to his companion, 'If the body likes to take food in peace and ease, although it becomes food for worms, how much greater should be the soul's reverence and devotion when it receives the food which is God Himself.'

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 94


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Servant Of God Must Show Joy


If Saint Francis saw any of his companions with a sad or downcast countenance, he reproved him, saying: "If thou art grieving over thy sins, my brother, why dost thou show thy sorrow exteriorly? Let this sadness be between thee and God, and pray to him that through his mercy he may spare thee and restore to thy soul the joy of salvation, which thou hast lost through thy sins. But before me and others, show thyself always joyful, for it does not become the servant of God to manifest sadness exteriorly, nor to have a troubled countenance."

St. Francis of Assisi
Miscellaneous Writings


Footprints In The Fire


To say that the road the soul travels to God is through the sea (the Prophet Baruch) and that His footsteps are in the many waters and so unknowable is to say that the way to God is as hidden to the inner senses as would be footprints on the water of the outer senses. The traces God leaves on the souls He wants to bring to Himself are unrecognizable. Secret.

St. John of the Cross
Dark Night of the Soul
Night of the Spirit


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Cross Is The "Ladder" Of Monks


The grace of God and the virtues which flow therefrom are a way and a ladder that leads to heaven; but vices and sins are a ladder and a way that leads to the depths of hell. Vices and sins are a venomous and a mortal poison, but virtues and good works are a salutory medicine. One grace leads to another; and one vice leads to another. Grace asks not to be praised, and vice cannot endure to be despised. The mind reposes tranquility in humility, of whom patience is daughter. Holy purity of heart sees God, and true devotion enjoys him.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis
Part Four
Chapter 1


For The Love Of God


Among other words used in ordinary conversation, Francis could never hear 'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD' without a kind of transformation within himself. For immediately upon hearing 'FOR THE LOVE OF GOD,' he would become excited, stirred, and inflamed, as though an inner chord of his heart had been plucked by the plectrum of the outward voice of the speaker.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life - 196


Our Body Ia Our Cell


Wherever we are, wherever we go, we bring our cell with us. Our brother body is our Cell and our soul is the hermit living in that cell in order to pray to God and meditate. If our soul does not live in peace and solitude within its cell, of what avail is it to live in a man-made cell?

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 80


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Wear His Crown Of Thorns As A Crown Of Glory!


Fra Chris Dickson, F.L.A.
of the Portiuncula Hermitage

I was in an area of complete and utter darkness. Then a mist appeared, through which two hands appeared that were handing me a crown of thorns.

I took the crown of thorns from the outstretched hands and placed it upon my head. As the crown was being seated upon my head, I prematurely winced, fully expecting searing pain from those thorns to shoot through my head and throughout my entire body.

But instead of pain, a warm and wonderful feeling of joy and peace settled over me. I was being bathed in God’s love.

Simultaneously with the crown of thorns being placed upon my head, a vision appeared before me of a glass mirror “unfurling” like a window shade, even though it was glass.

Jesus then appeared in the glass before me.

I was immediately filled with shame because Jesus had caught me wearing his crown, and I immediately pulled it from my head.

As I did, Jesus disappeared.

I then placed the crown back onto my head.

As I did, the glass unfurled before me, and again Jesus was standing before me.

At that moment, the realization hit me that I was looking into a mirror and seeing my own reflection, and that reflection was my Savior and my Lord! And me! One and the same!

This vision greatly troubled me. After all, who did I think I was, anyway? Was I so vain as to think myself equal to Jesus? God forbid! The vision continued to frighten me long afterwards, fearing that my attitude was obviously not right with God…that is, until I heard these words:

“Do not be afraid to put on my crown of thorns.
It is My crown of glory!
Wear it as I did.
I will bear the pain so that you have none.
Then, and only then, will you see Me in glory.
Then we shall meet face to face.
You in me, and I in you.
People will see me in your image.
Give yourselves to Me fully,
And I will come to you in glory…”


There Is No Better Sermon Than The Practice Of Virtues

"The worth of knowledge is proportionate to the actions it produces; there is no better sermon than the practice of the virtues."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 74


Your Cell Will Teach You Everything


In Scetis, a brother went to see Abba Moses and begged him for a word. The old man said, "Go and sit in your cell and your cell will teach you everything."

Saying From the Desert Fathers