"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."

A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Monday, December 08, 2008

When Spiritual Joy Fills Hearts

St. Francis was sure that spiritual joy is the safest remedy against the thousand snares and wiles of the enemy. He used to say: "The devil is most happy when he can snatch from a servant of God true joy of spirit. He carries dust with him to throw into the smallest chinks of conscience and thus soil one's mental candor and purity of life. But when spiritual fills hearts, the serpent shoots his deadly venom in vain."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life

Living Out The Rule Of 1221

In the name of God I entreat the friars to grasp the meaning of all that is written in this Rule for the salvation of our souls, and recall it to mind again and again. I beg Almighty God, Three and One, to bless those who teach, learn, or have by them this Rule, keeping it fresh in their memory and putting it into practice, as they repeat and perform what is written in it for our salvation.

Saint Francis of Assisi
The Rule of 1221

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Richmond Catholic Community Charismatic Prayer Group Meeting December 21, 2008

The monthly meeting of the Richmond Catholic Community Charismatic Prayer Group will meet on December 21, 2008 in the basement of St. Mary Church 710 North A Street Richmond, IN 47374.

"I have no hesitation in saying that all pastoral initiatives must be set in relation to holiness....Stressing holiness remains more than ever an urgent pastoral task....

"Our Christian communities must become genuine 'schools' of prayer, where the meeting with Christ is expressed no just in imploring help, but also in thanksgiving, praise, adoration, contemplation, listening, and ardent devotion until the heart truly 'falls in love.' Intense prayer, yes, but it does not distract us from our commitment to history: by opening our heart to the love of God it also opens it to the love of our brothers and sisters, and makes us capable of shaping history according to God's plan."

Pope John Paul II
NMI 30,33

For additional information, please e-mail Chris Dickson at: dicksoncorp@parallax.ws

We Take Our Cells With Us

Wherever we are or wherever we are going, we have our cell with us. For Brother Body is the cell, and the soul is the hermit who dwells in it, meditating there and praying to God. Therefore, if the soul does not preserve quiet and solitude in its own cell, of what profit is a cell made by hands?

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 80

We Should Make A Dwelling Place Within Ourselves

I entreat all my friars, ministers and subjects, to put away every attachment, all care and solicitude, and serve, love, honour, and adore our Lord and God with a pure heart and mind; this is what he seeks above all wlse. We should make a dewlling place within ourselves where he can stay, he who is Lord God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Rule of 1221
Chapter 22

St. Francis And The Swallows

St. Francis preached in the neighboring villages, and eventually he came to Alvanio. Here he sumoned the whole poplulation and called for silence, but he could scarcely be heard above the cries of the swallows which were nesting there and making a lot of noise. He spoke to them, while the whole crown listened, and said, "My sisters, it is my turn to speak now. Youhave said enough already. Listen to God's word and be quiet until the sermon is over." Immediately they all became silent, just as if they understood, and they never moved until the whole sermon was finished. The onlookers were amazed and gave glory to God. The story of the miracle was told far and wide, so that people had great reverence for the saint and were moved to greater faith.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Seeking Alms

Saint Francis would say that shame in begging is the enemy of salvation, and he affirmed that that kind of shame in begging which does not withdraw the foot is holy.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life

How A Great Tyrant Was Converted and Became a Friar Minor

"And as I have seen and heard, all of you are hastening and running toward all that evil, for no good appears in your deeds or words. So I advise and warn you, my dear friends, not to lose those highest heavenly good things that will last forever, on account of the vile things this world and the delights of the flesh, and not to hasten and run this way to such great and bitter sufferings!"

Little Flowers of St. Francis
Part Three - 11

Living A Life According To The Gospel

One of the cardinals, His Eminence John of St. Paul, Bishop of Santa Sabina, was a man who loved holiness and was dedicated to Christ's poor. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he addressed the Pope Innocent III and his conferes saying: "We must be careful. If we refuse this beggarman's request [for a new Rule] because it is new or too difficult, we may be sinning against Christ's Gospel, because he is only asking us to approve a form of Gospel life. Anyone who says that a vow to live according to the perfection of the Gospel contains something new or unreasonable or too difficult to be observed, is guilty of blasphemy against Christ, the Author of the Gospel."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life

Friday, December 05, 2008

Padre Nostro (Our Father in Italian)

Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli!
Sia santificato il tuo nome.
Venga il tuo regno.
Sia fatta la tua volontá.
Come in cielo cosí in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano,
E rimetti a noi i nostri debiti,
Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori.
E non ci indurre in tentazione,
Ma liberaci dal male.
(MATTHEW 6:9-13)

Tuo il regno, Tua la potenza e la gloria nei secoli dei secoli.


Holidays Under The Spires in Oldenburg Serving Up Mystic Monk Coffee

Holidays Under the Spires takes place in Oldenburg Saturday, Dec. 6. Three shops (Schwestern Gallery of Art, Christian’s Kinder Laden and Guten Tag Mercantile) will be open in the quaint town extended hours from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Attendees can get tokens from merchants for carriage rides with Santa from 2 to 5 p.m. Folks can also test their woodworking skills to win prizes at The Village Workshop and sample wine at Selkirk’s from 1 to 6 p.m. There also will be a youth group cookie walk and baked goods sale and 5:30 p.m. public Advent Christmas Mass at Holy Family Catholic Church. After Mass you can go downstairs at Holy Family Catholic Church and enjoy a piping hot cup of Mystic Monk Coffee. Those who stop at the Sisters of St. Francis Convent between 3 and 6 p.m. will hear a variety of music and learn about holiday traditions during tours.

The Portiuncula Hermitage is committed to giving ten percent of their Mystic Monk Coffee Commissions to Birthright (a loving alternative to abortion)! Besides, it's the best coffee you will ever taste in your life!


Mystic Monk Coffee is pleased to offer the socially conscious consumer a coffee that respects the value of every human life and the right and dignity of every person, especially the unborn. Fair Trade Organic is a decision to act with social justice.

The monastic life is one of ordered perfection, which you will taste in every bag of Mystic Monk Coffee. Passionate about perfection, no challenge is too great for Br. Java and the monks, if it will result in a Mystic Monk brew suited for the most discriminating coffee drinker. The Carmelite monks have mastered the ancient art of roasting coffee, laboring with steadfast determination to make each cup of coffee simply superb. Taste the monastic perfection in each brew, which makes all the difference.

The Portiuncula Hermitage is committed to giving ten percent of their Mystic Monk Coffee Commissions to Birthright!

Please remember to keep our pre-born in your daily prayers!

To order, simply scroll down and click on the Mystic Monk Coffee Icon on the left side of this page:

Mystic Monk Coffee Offering A Special "Christmas Blend"

Order Mystic Monk Coffee Through The Portiuncula: the Little Portion and we will Donate Ten Percent of our Commissions to Birthright (a loving alternative to Abortion)!


Mystic Monk Coffee is pleased to offer the socially conscious consumer a coffee that respects the value of every human life and the right and dignity of every person, especially the unborn. Fair Trade Organic is a decision to act with social justice.

The monastic life is one of ordered perfection, which you will taste in every bag of Mystic Monk Coffee. Passionate about perfection, no challenge is too great for Br. Java and the monks, if it will result in a Mystic Monk brew suited for the most discriminating coffee drinker. The Carmelite monks have mastered the ancient art of roasting coffee, laboring with steadfast determination to make each cup of coffee simply superb. Taste the monastic perfection in each brew, which makes all the difference.

The Portiuncula Hermitage is committed to tithing ten percent of all Mystic Monk Coffee Commissions to Birthright!

Please remember to keep our pre-born in your daily prayers!

To order, simply scroll down and click on the Mystic Monk Coffee Icon on the left side of this page:

Saint Mary of the Portiuncula

Francis brought his little flock of twelve friars to St. Mary of the Portiuncula. It was there that the Order of the Friars Minor had been founded by the merits of the Mother of God, and it was there, too, that it would grow to maturity by her intercession.

From the Portiuncula, Francis set out as a herald of the Gospel to preach the kingdom of God in the towns and villages in the vicinity, "not in such words as human wisdom teaches, but in words taught him by the Spirit" (1 Cor 2:13).

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life

Thinking Too Highly Of One's Self

For a man who is joined with Christ by the gift of a special grace it is not something great if he does things similar to the things that have been done by other saints.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life

Humble Ourselves At Every Opportunity

The ministers and preachers must remember that they do not have the right to the office of serving the friars or of preaching, and they must be prepared to lay it aside without objection the moment they are told to do so. In that love which is God (1 John 4:8), I entreat all my friars, whether they are given to preaching, praying, or manual labour, to do their best to humble themselves at every opportunity; not to boast or be self-satisfied, or take pride in any good which God says or does or accomplishes in them or by them...

Saint Francis of Assisi
Rule of 1221
Chapter 17

Thursday, December 04, 2008

il Cantico del Sole (The Canticle of Brother Sun)

The Original Italian (Umbrian)

Altissimu, omnipotente, bonsignore,
tue sono le laude
la gloria elhonore
et omne benedictione.

Ad te solo, Altissimo, se Konfano
et nulu homo enne dignu
te mentovare.

Laudato sie, misignore, cum tucte le tue creature,
spetialmente messor lo frate sole,
loquale iorno et allumini noie par loi.

Et ellu ebellu eradeante cum grande splendore:
de te, Altissimo, porta signicatione.

Laudato si, misignore, per sora luna ele stelle:
in celu lai formate clarite
et pretiose et belle.

Laudate si, misignore, per frate vento,
et per aere et nubilo
et sereno et omne tempo
per loquale a le tue creature
dai sustentamento.

Laudato, si, misignore, per sor aqua,
laquale e multo utile et humile
et presiosa et casta.

Laudato, misignore, per frate focu,
per loquale ennalumini la nocte:
edello ebello et iocundo
et robustoso et forte.

Laudato si, misignore, per sora nostra matre terra,
laquale ne sustenta et governa,
et produce diversi fructi
con coloriti flori et herba.

Laudato si, misignore, per quelli ke perdonano
per lo tuo amore
et sostengo infirmitate
et tribulatione.

Beate quelli kel sosterrano in pace,
ka da te, Altissimo,
sirano tribulatione.

Laudato si, misignore, per sora nostra
morte corporale,
da laquale nullu homo
vivente poskappare.

Gai acquelli ke morrano
ne le peccata mortali!

Beati quelli ke trovarane
le tue santissime voluntati,
ka la morte secunda
nol farra male.

Laudate et benedicite, misignore,
et rengratiate et servaite li
cum grande humilitate.

Rapt In Ecstasy

One day when he was in a lonely place by himself, weeping for his misspent years in the bitterness of his heart, the joy of the Holy Spirit was infused into him and he was assured that all his sins had been forgiven. He was rapt in ecstasy and completely absorbed in a wonderful light, so that the depths of his soul were enlightened and he saw what the future held in store for himself and his sons.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life

The Most Vile Among Men

He (St. Francis) was honored by all and extolled by all, with praiseworthy judgement; and he alone considered himself the most vile among men, he alone despised himself most severely. For often, when he was honored by all, he suffered the deepest sorrow; and rejecting the favor of men, he would see to it that he be rebuked by someone.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, First Life

Lisbeth Scott Releases Christmas Album

Hi Chris!

Hope you're doing well. I just wanted to let you know I have a new Holiday recording out called "Peace on Earth" available on Amazon & Itunes now. Just type in Lisbeth Scott, then Peace on Earth and you'll find it. It's got new versions of some classics and a couple of new tunes as well. Also, shot a video for one of the songs that I'll be posting on Myspace soon. I'm trying to spread the word about this new release the grass roots way. So, if you can spread the word to everyone you know...I'd LOVE it! You can listen to the music at www. lisbethscottmusic. com.

Peace and Love to you and have a beautiful Holiday season!


Note: Lisbeth Scott was the female vocalist on John Debney's musical score of Mel Gibson's movie "The Passion of Christ." Both she and John were frequent guests on my former Talk Show.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Brother Ass and Saint Francis


It came to pass
That "Brother Ass"
(As he his Body named)
Unto the Saint
Thus made complaint:
"I am unjustly blamed.

"Whatever I do,
Like Balaam you
Requite me with a blow,
As for offense
To recompense
An ignominious foe.

"God made us one,
And I have done
No wickedness alone;
Nor can I do
Apart, as you,
An evil all my own.

"If Passion stir,
'Tis you that spur
My frenzy to the goal;
Then be the blame
Where sits the shame,
Upon the goading soul.

"Should one or both
Be blind or loath
Our brotherhood to see,
Remember this,
You needs must miss
Or enter heaven through me."

To this complaint
The lowly Saint
In tears replied, "Alas,
If so it be,
God punish me
And bless thee, Brother Ass."


We must keep a close watch over ourselves and let nothing tarnish the purity of our senses, because the Lord says: "Anyone who so much as looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

Saint Francis of Assisi
Writings of St. Francis
Chapter 12

Sinners Are Led Back To God By Holy Meekness

St. Francis came back to the Place, carrying a sack of bread and a little jug of wine which he had begged with his companions. And when the guardian told him how he had driven some robbers away, St. Francis scolded him severely, saying: "You acted in a cruel way, because sinners are led back to God by holy meekness better than by cruel scolding. For our Master Jesus Christ, whose Gospel we have promised to observe, says that the doctor is not needed by those who are well but by the sick, and 'I have come to call not the just but sinners to penance,' and therefore He often ate with them.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis
Part 3 - 26

Strip The Altar Bare For The Needy!

Once the Saint's vicar, Brother Peter Catani, seeing that St. Mary of the Portiuncula was crowded with friars from other Places and that there were not enough alms to provide them with what they needed, said to St. Francis: "Father, I don't know what to do with so many friars arriving from everywhere! I haven't supplies enough to provide for them. Please allow some of the property of the novices entering the Order to be set aside for our exenses when necessary."

But Francis answered: "Dear Brother, put away that kind of piety which impiously goes against the Rule for the sake of anyone whatsoever!"

And Peter said: "What shall we do?"

St. Francis replied: "Strip the altar of the Virgin and take away its various ornaments, since you canot provide for the needy in any other way. Believe me, the Mother of God would rather have the Gospel of her Son observed and he altar stripped than have the altar adorned and her Son scorned. The Lord will send someone who will restore to His Mother what He has loaned us."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis
Part Three - 13

Tuesday, December 02, 2008



He crouches in the chapel, on his knees,
With matted hair that hangs in dusky strands;
Apart and strange, among the little bands
Of worshipers, for he is not as these.
Alone! and yet a deeper vision sees
That near this alien with his grimy hands,
The Little Poor Man of Assisi stands,
As Giotto painted him upon a friese.

I know one luminous Italian spring!
"Your province? Is it Umbria?" I ask.
The weariness falls from him like a mask,
And all his visage is a shining thing,
As though some dethless master of his race
Inscribed a sudden message on his face.

The Brothers Are To Keep The Rule

Saint Francis taught the brothers to keep the Rule ever before their eyes as a reminder of the life they are to live, and, what is more, that they should die with it.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life

Become Hidden In The Wounds Of The Savior

With joy-filled devotion Francis dwelt in the heavenly mansions and in complete self-emptying he remained for long periods hidden, as it were, in the wounds of the Savior. He therefore sought out solitary places where he could cast his soul entirely upon God.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, First Life

The Correction Of Friars Who Have Fallen Into Sin

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hads of the living God (Hebrews 10:31), and so the ministers must keep close watch over their own souls and those of their friars. A friar is not bound to obey if a minister commands anything that is contrary to our life for his own conscience, because there can be no obligation to obey if it means committing sin.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Rule of 1221
Chapter 5

Monday, December 01, 2008

Holy Simplicity

For holy simplicity had so filled them, innocence of life was so instructing them, purity of heart so possessed them, that they knew nothing of duplicity of mind. For, as there was one faith in them, so was there one spirit in them, one will, one love; there was unity of souls among them, harmony of behavior, the practice of virtues, conformity of minds, and piety of actions.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, First Life

I Do Not Want To Be A Thief

Another time, when Francis was returning from Siena, he met a poor man and said to him companion: "Brother, we must return this mantle to that poor man to whom it belongs. We borrowed it from him until we should meet someone poorer than ourselves." His companion, thinking about his father's need, obstinately refused, lest Francis provide for another by neglecting himself. The saint said to him: "I do not want to be a thief; for it would be considered a theft in us if we did not give to someone who is in greater need than we."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life

The Friars Are Called Minors (Lesser Brothers)

When the bishop of Ostia, the protector and foremost champion of the Order, who was afterwards to become pope with the name of Gregory IX as Francis prophesied, asked him if he would allow his friars to be promoted to various offices in the Church, the saint replied, "My lord, my friars are called Minors so that they will never think of becoming superiors. If you want them to bear fruit in the Church, keep them strictly to their vocation and never let them take an office in the Church."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life