"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."

A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feast Of St. Francis Of Assisi, October 4, 2008

Dear Sisters and Associates,

As we near the feast of St. Francis, my thoughts return to the lovely hillside town of Assisi that I was privileged to visit on a pilgrimage some years ago. I truly wish every Sister and Associate could have the opportunity to walk the streets of Assisi, and to absorb the sense of Francis' presence that pervades the town even today.

Francis loved his home town, and prayed frequently for its people and their needs. Jesus, too, wept and prayed over his beloved Jerusalem. Our towns and cities and their inhabitants have so many needs these days. What are the special needs of your civic community these days? It would be very Christian and very Franciscan to make a special effort to keep them in our prayers, especialy during this election time.

During his lifetime, Francis' relationship with God and ministry went through various stages. There was the young and enthusiastic Francis, eager to be about the work which the Lord called him. We see the Francis whose love of his Creator led him to a greater love for and kinship with all creation. We have the penitent Francis, so aware of this failings and full of appreciation for the mercy of his God ("Who are you, God, and who am I?"). We might identify withe the sick and suffering Francis, whose eyesight failed him and whose body kept him from doing all he might want to do for the Lord. Perhaps we resonate with the Francs who had to come to terms with the fact that he had to relinquish control of the order he founded, and that it was changing from his ideal even while he lived. Francis, too, was a man for all seasons, especially for the seasons of life. Where in your journey do you particularly meet him today?

As we celebrate the love and dedication and vision of Francs this year, may we find strength and courage, peace and joy in the life of our spiritual father, and know that the God who loved and sustained Francis will do the same for us.

May God give you peace,
Sister Miriam
for the General Council

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